
Question: does circumsicion increase size of sexorgan? how come many people prefer circumsicion?

Answers: does circumsicion increase size of sexorgan? how come many people prefer circumsicion?

no circumcision don't increase size so leave what is normal alone and don't change how you were meant to be

It doesn't increase the size of it, but it does make sex less enjoyable by having the tip of the penis exposed at all times, thus causing it to be somewhat desensitized.

Only in america it seems to be the preference aside from the middle east. And no it doesnt make it bigger

Actually being uncircumcised allows the penis to gain an extra inch in length during an erection as the foreskin will pull back onto the shaft. Being circumcised does not allow this to happen, plus having the head of the penis exposed all the time makes climax slower to achieve (something most men would not complain about). The America Academy of Pediatrics no longer promotes circumcision as a routine but leaves the choice up to the parents. Personally if I'd had a son, he would be left as God intended!

Won't make it bigger, it might make it look more attractive, it will be cleaner and less likely to smell or taste unpleasant. It does desensitise the glans a bit but I haven't found that made sex less enjoyable, I think it helps with staying power!

Most people in fact prefer uncircumcised. One survey showed that 90% of women said sex was better with a man who had a natural penis than with a cut man. As for size, you are removing something -- less is not more! The natural penis is very slightly larger. (But size only matters to guys -- women don't care about that.)

Very young women in parts of the United States may think they prefer a man who is circumcised because they have never seen a natural penis. But most outgrow that shallow attitude very quickly, and once they have experienced both kinds of penises, most will prefer uncut. However most women are mature enough to consider the man the penis is attached to more important than the penis, so most will not reject a man whose parents were ignorant enough to have had him circumcised.

I'm uncircumsized, I like the gliding motion, natural lube, pleasure with sex with other guys, and easier to use.

It's a personal preference. You can't expect everyone to love something 100% over another.

Speaking about size... If too much skin is removed in circumcision, it can make the penis smaller since the penis needs some skin to expand during an erection:

Circumcision has become less common. Circumcision rates were as high as 90% back in the 1960s and 1970s (that's partly why today's adults are so... brainwashed, I supposed you could say, about thinking that circumcision is better) but they have fallen to as low as 14% in some states. Here are the statistics:

The USA is the last developed nation doing it to a large number of newborns without religious or medical needs. (Europeans, Latin Americans, Japanese, and most Australians, Canadians, and Asians don't circumcise):


There's pain involved, often why doctors don't want you in the room when it's done:
(you can search online for a circumcision video, too)

In a medical study, it was found that females are more likely to hit orgasm with an uncircumcised man:

The lubricated foreskin (on the inside... like your eyelids) slides up and down during sex and masturbation to stimulate the head (which is why you don't hear of uncircumcised guys needing lube to masturbate).

Studies have found that circumcision reduces sensitivity (this article also mentions how it has lost popularity in the USA in recent times):,2933,2855...

And despite being more sensitive, uncircumcised guys still last in the same six minute range (average) that circumcised guys do:

Circumcision makes masturbation more difficult:

Which makes sense, that's how circumcision was promoted in the USA:

Increases erectile dysfunction rates:

Circumcision does not completely stop penile cancer. The American Cancer Society has already confirmed the myth that circumcision = no cancer.

If circumcision did stop penile cancer, then penile cancer would not be more common in the USA (most circumcised adults) than in some European nations, where circumcision is not practiced other than for medical/religious reasons.

And a new study found that circumcision does not reduce your chances to get HIV/AIDS. Unlike other studies, this one was done in a developed nation; the USA.

it just helps show off your head no garage to hide in

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