How bad do your feet stink after wearing shoes for a long period of time?!

Question: Mine REEK!I'm talking moldly cheese reek. My feet sweat and my shoes get all stinky and my feet bear the brunt of it. I feel bad for my wife because I know if I cant take the smell than she REALLY must be hatin it!

BTW foot powder and odor eaters dont work. My feet are Al Bundy like in smell.

Answers: Mine REEK!I'm talking moldly cheese reek. My feet sweat and my shoes get all stinky and my feet bear the brunt of it. I feel bad for my wife because I know if I cant take the smell than she REALLY must be hatin it!

BTW foot powder and odor eaters dont work. My feet are Al Bundy like in smell.

Your problem could actually be a medical one needing treatment!!! Very well could be a fungus (athletes foot) and fungus are very resistant so long term topical treatment is usual cure!!! Some say that washing feet at end of the day then soak in a 10% white vinegar/water mixture for 20 to 30 minutes for a month (the acidic properties of the vinegar are the supposed cure all) !!! Then make sure your feet are dried and sleep without socks topical creams can be applied that are purchased over the counter at your local drug store!!! My advice is to actually contact your medical physician and make an apointment for an examination of your feet, your doctor can preform laboratory tests of skin scraped from the feet (not a surgical procedure comparable to scratching with own fingernail which doesnt hurt, of coarse your doctor would use something other than a fingernail I am sure) to diagnose the actual cause and treatment of your smell feet!!! Wouldn't that be great to have the smelly feet gone for good so don't hesitate to make that appointment no need to be embarrassed by the smell when going in for appointment just make sure feet have been washed and then doan a pare of sandals for the trip which would be less likely to cause feet to sweat or buy a new pair of cheap shoes for the occaision!!! Good Luck!!!

My ex had the same problem and foot powder didnt work also. What worked for him was just regular old baby powder. As soon as you take your shoes off sprinkle some in your shoes then in the morning when you put your socks on sprinkle a tad bit inside the sock. Try it. It will work.

My feet stink BAD when I take off my sneakers after wearing them all day, and one reason why they stink so bad is because I do not wear socks in my sneakers most of the time, and the smell is VERY bad, and at times it smells up the whole living room. WHat I do is I use this foot odor spray, and it works very well. YOu simply spray these into your shoes and let them dry for about 48 hours before wearing them again.

Try to put a few rolls of toilet papers in your shoe cabinet. It helps to absorb the bad odor. Try it !

It's official: Your a man! Welcome to the club.

Try Merrell~~So crispy~~

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