Thunderstorm Help!!?!


Thunderstorm Help!!?

I have an 11 yr old daughter with a fairly new and increasing fear/phobia of thunderstorms. We are getting professional help and medication but the dosing takes sooo long to increase and I am looking for any help for right now. She is really afraid of wind and clouds for fear of it becoming a storm - even harmless white clouds. At times she will not even go outside or to school. She has begun cognitive therapy techniques with a therapist, but I am not sure what that will entail. Does anyone know what they will do (specifically) and how long does it take (ballpark) to work - I know that it is different for every person? Any ideas for what I can do now to ease her fears? Rationalizing does not work as it is an irrational fear. No one in our family is particularly afraid of T storms and she has never really had a bad experience with them. I am completely exhausted and would value any help!


Give her reason to like thunderstorms. I used to be very afraid of them, but sitting down and looking at them made me grow on them.

You can also get her to learn about the weather. Learning about them will get her curious and she will want to sit throught the storms if she loves it as much. Buy her books or rent DVDs on them.

Good luck! She will get over the phobia...and it is great you are doing this for her.

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