For moms and RN's or anyone who know anything about childhood development?!


For moms and RN's or anyone who know anything about childhood development?

Hi, this question is strange sorry.
My son has a weird fixation with his nipples, he is four years old. I don't know if nursing him until he was two has anything to do with this or not. He has been dong this for about two months now, he just won't stop touching them. If I keep him busy with other things, reading, drawing, etc.. he seems to stop until he gets bored again. I tell him to stop and he thinks I am mad, I just don'tunderstand it.

Has anyone else gone through this? Is it a faze? I feel frustrated, and very worried.


It's totally normal. He is getting to know his body and probably likes the feeling he gets when he touches his nipples. My son did the same thing, only with his penis. My doctor told me that it was him figuring out his own body and to not make a big deal about it. If you say something, then he will start doing it to get a reaction out of you. Have a small (very short) talk with him about why his private parts are for private and no one wants to see him touching his nipples. Then leave him alone. If you make a big fuss, so will he.

Good luck!

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