Anxiety is the gift that keeps on giving, isn't it?!


Anxiety is the gift that keeps on giving, isn't it?

I have the best of both worlds: Social and Generalized Anxiety disorders. When I am around others, I get the benefit of worrying about everything I say and do. I get to enjoy it before and after the fact. When I am alone, I get to worry about everything else including my social gaffs.

The anxiety never stops. Once I start worrying about something, I keep worrying about it. All someone has to do is plant the seed and watch it grow to massive proportions. I feel anxiety 24 hours a day. It constantly disrupts my sleep.

I finally understand agoraphobia.

Shyness -> Social Anxiety Disorder -> Agoraphobia.


As you get older, and gain confidence in yourself, the anxiety will disappear. You know how some geezers have a "drop dead, punk" attitude? That's because they have reached a point in their lives where they can say and do what they want without feeling anxious about it. Experience=being able to be yourself, and knowing people will either take you or leave you without the world ending. Good luck!

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