What will they try to blame autism on now?!


What will they try to blame autism on now?

Since the supporters of vaccines = autism have been getting their collective behinds handed to them since the Autism Omnibus trial started a couple of weeks ago, I am left to wonder - what will now be blamed for their children's condition?

I am happy to see science prevail and at the same time, illustrate the absurdity of their "desperation for compensation".
Of course, when they lose, they'll go to the conspiracy well one more time and claim that big pharma now runs the judicial system.

Will we ever reach the day when autistics are respected and not trotted out as objects to be pitied? Will we reach a day when they are looked at as equal human beings - not mysterious beings for society to hang its prejudices upon?

I hope I'm still alive to see that day.

In the meantime, a new "cause" of autism will no doubt emerge. I wouldn't be suprised if its blamed on global warming - just like everything else we can't explain.

What are your thoughts?

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3 weeks ago
Richling, how is this related specifically to autism? Vaccines can cause adverse reactions that threaten the health of the individual - I am not refuting that. I can assure you that people recieving $ from HRSA are not receiving it because of autism.


Because there is no link. They will even tell you that.

Get your facts straight next time, please.

3 weeks ago
SmartKat - I don't honestly believe any outcome will end the blame game. My question had some wishful thinking infused into it, I'll admit.

I've found this topic is just as taboo as religion or politics in conversations with those who don't share the same view. This is terribly troubling to me.

More troubling is how people buy into this garbage with absolutely no objective scientific evidence on their side - just shady manipulated studies and quack therapists who stand to make a buck off it.

3 weeks ago
I will not give anyone a break who would seek to "prevent" autism rather than deal with it. You are speaking of eugenics and I won't abide.

Sorry to jump all over you but I do take offense when someone wishes my child and others like him were "prevented". Autism is not easy to deal with sometimes but it makes my child who he is - it dictates his every action. It makes him wonderful in ways I cannot put into words. If he and people like him were "prevented", the world would suffer a great loss.

I urge you to choose your words more carefully in the future because you are sending out a negative message to autistics. It may not be your intent but if taken at face value, it's downright offensive.

If your dream truly is a world without autistics, I urge you to search within yourself for why you feel this is validated.

Keep in mind...Hitler dreamed of a world without certain people as well. Wishing to prevent some people really isn't that different.

3 weeks ago
I choose not to be contacted directly because of my inability to always respond to things in a timely manner. Some people would think I was being rude if I didn't respond in a day, a week or even a month. Sometimes that's just how it is - I end up getting busy with life in general. I like to read all kind of things but spend a relatively small amount of time on YA! and never check my yahoo email account. On here, I prefer to lurk and occasionally speak up when my BS meter reaches capacity - but those moments are not as often anymore. That being said, there is a disproportionate amount of autism ignorance on this site and we both know how dangerous bad info can be.

To answer your question, I don't know what the "cause" of autism could be but following the research, I am convinced it is NOT vaccines. Personally, both sides of my child's family are loaded with ASDs so I lean more toward genetics.


I'm open to any explanation that credible science supports

2 weeks ago
momwhoknows, you don't seem to have all your facts straight and are mostly led by emotion. Can you point to one study that confirms your opinion? Rather than spend all my time in chatrooms boo-hooing, I look at published studies based on real research and fact. You should try it sometime.
Also, the other answerer who thinks scientists are all paid off by big pharma, please get a life. They can't all be bought off. Your statement undermines the integrity that most researchers have and their value to society by pursuit of the truth - ugly or not.


There will be no answers. The diagnosis rates will suddenly drop at the same time more and more children and adults will diagnosis with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and people will blame it on technology. This will continue until it is replaced with a different disorder. and so on and so on....

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