Why do i get angry when hungry?!


Why do i get angry when hungry?

when i am hungry and its not time to eat i get cranky and hateful when i eat i feel so much better what could be going on


Sometimes I get shaky when I’m hungry. Sometimes other people get cranky. So what?

Everyone “knows” that hunger means low blood sugar, only that’s almost never the case. Scientists once thought that blood glucose was the main signal to the hypothalamus to make us feel hungry. Good scientists stopped thinking this way 30 years ago, instead stressing other mechanisms for our hunger. If one’s blood glucose drops abnormally low, that does stimulate the hypothalamus, but in our day to day lives, there are many signals that provoke hunger, causing us to eat so that the vast majority of us never have low blood glucose. These include external cues like the time of day, smells of food and seeing others eat. They include internal signals like the peptides ghrelin, cholecystokinin, and leptin. There’s a place for transient or relative drops in blood glucose in the regulation of those peptides, but it’s clear that blood glucose itself does not drive our routine hunger.


A few years ago I was developing diabetes. Fortunately that went away with weight loss, but I still have my blood glucose monitor. It’s amazing what that machine has taught me. All my life I have heard people talk about needing to eat because their blood sugar was low, making them cranky, shaky, whatever. There are many books and websites trying to sell you on the idea that hypoglycemia is common, all written by like-minded people who agree with each other, but without data to convince mainstream science or mainstream medicine. I believed them enough to expect to see my blood sugar drop when I was hungry. It never did. I was amazed. I’d be out doing something and realize on the way home that I was very hungry, even shaky. Wow, I wonder how low my blood sugar would be this time. Every time I thought that, the surprise was how normal my blood sugar was, almost always between 90 and 100, maybe once or twice 85. Why, I’d routinely have blood sugars in the low eighties first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon and feel nothing unusual. My feeling of hunger was something else! So was my shakiness. So is crankiness some people have when they’re hungry.

I once had a friend who took insulin. One night we went out for dinner, and he became symptomatic while we waited for our food. He became confused and frustrated. His speech slurred. He looked sick. Fortunately everyone knew what was wrong, and he was soon himself again after eating something, feeling embarrassed that he had misjudged how soon before dinner to take his insulin. It’s spells like this that generate these long lists of symptoms that Violet Pearl posts again and again. The fallacy Violet Pearl makes is in pretending one can go the other way. Hypoglycemia causes confusion, but confusion is common and symptomatic hypoglycemia is rare, so confusion is hardly ever due to hypoglycemia. Neither is anxiety, anger, nor depression. Hypoglycemia causes many symptoms at once, not just one.

Today you don’t have to take anyone’s word for such things. You can get a good monitor in a drug store without a prescription for less than $100. Measure your own blood sugar. I found it worth it to be able to say, “These people don’t know anything!” They don’t. I even noticed this week that the monitor I use is on sale for $30, something the manufacturer can do because they make their profit on the test strips. But there are 10 test strips and lancets included with the monitor, so anyone could check their symptoms from Violet Pearl’s list several times and see if she knows anything or not. If not, you can avoid all this nonsense about paying for books and naturopaths to tell you how to avoid their fantasy explanation for mental symptoms. Yes, a snack can take away someone’s hunger and whatever sensations they have with that hunger. That’s not a disease. Go ahead and carry a snack for hunger if you want, but it’s not protecting you from some catastrophe. It might even be calories that you’re going to have to lose some other time.

No matter how many times someone repeats ignorance, it’s still ignorant. Yet people cling to their beliefs. There are still people who believe that mental symptoms are caused by demonic possession. They only believe that because they don’t care to believe otherwise. It’s a free country. People can believe what they believe, but you don’t have to be a sucker just because they are.

Things happen in the brain when we get hungry. The circuits involved in becoming shaky or cranky with that are still not well known. There’s just the general idea that your autonomic nervous system has a lot of effects. People who tell you they know more than that are just trying to make themselves feel better through their false beliefs. Human beings have a lot of those.

For confirmation of that just look in the search engine here for “angry when hungry”. Most answerers proclaim this to be low blood sugar. Based on what? One best answerer even states that she was tested for hypoglycemia, and the tests were negative. But she is still sure she has anger due to low blood sugar, so she carries something to fix it. Right, fix what?

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