Am I just paranoid or am I insane?!

Question: Am I just paranoid or am I insane?
I've been looking back on strange things I've done as a kid.

It started back in summer camp when I was young. I always had the freakiest idea that the lunch ladies were trying to poison me through the food..
I've also worried if invisible burglars would break into my home.

Recently, I've started to hear noises, like people shouting my name when I'm alone and knocking on the walls. I'm home alone often, so it's not possible my family members are out to drive me mad. I've also been seeing things, like people or shadows, that aren't there. This has happened in school, at home, and when I'm outside.
And I've been very on-edge lately and my mood changes drastically at times. I find myself unable to hold a conversation with anyone, I zone out in the strangest places and end up inflicting self harm(I ripped up my fingers yesterday without realizing) and I can't trust anyone, really.

I believe in spirits to an extent but I highly doubt any involvement of the such, so please don't answer about that, or just say something stupid like "ur just nuts, lady." because that isn't helping.
I just want to know what's wrong with me and if I'm just paranoid or if I should see a doctor about it..


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Despite what you might think, most people have some level of paranoia. You are not insane. It is "normal" for your mind to run away with ideas, what you need to realize is that you are in complete control of how your thoughts affect you. I went through a few episodes in which I was paranoid about being killed, robbed, interacted with by spirits or ghosts, and during this time is when I saw shadows and heard noises, one day I even saw some kind of ghost like thing out of the corner of my eye, only to look and it have disappeared. Given that, this is what helped me solve it: ask yourself, "what IF (fill in the blank) did happen?" essentially, you come to the same conclusion most of the time: death. Now explore why you are so afraid with death, I know this is a lot to ask, but if you can come to terms with the fact that one day all of us will face the same demise, I believe you will feel much better. As cliche as it sounds, there is nothing to be afraid of. The end is decided for us, it's your job to fill the beginning and middle with as much passion, experience, fun, joy, adventure, success, failure, love, relationships, beauty... the list goes on. Instead of wondering if you are insane, you ought to be living in the moment, observing, people watching, having interactions, doing things you love. Fear and doubt keep us from doing this; live the life of your dreams and watch fear shrink in the shadow of your freedom and passion. Release your doubt and realize your importance in this life, right now. Realize that you are never alone, realize that the universe is rooting for you, and if that is too much to imagine, try harder, set yourself free to be what YOU want to be, do not be governed by who "paranoia" and "insanity" think you are, because they're full of ****. Live here, live now, the way it is intended to be. You are no more and no less than anyone else, we are all here for the same ride. So take this opportunity and buckle up, I've been saving a seat for you for quite some time now.

Education in quantum physics, psychology, and philosophy. Self declared shrink.

You sound like me,
It's skitzophrenia
If you have 2 symptoms of skitzophrenia then you have it
You have both delusions and halucinations.
Go to a psychiatrist, I know how you feel..

i think you should go see someone. I mean i understand about when you were young but if things are starting to happen then yaahh you should see whats wrong. :D

good luckk <3


Could be schiziphronia. Check with a doctor.

Okay, well you don't sound insane. For the most part you just sound paranoid. The mood change thing if it happens unexpectedly and has been going on for a while you might want to see a doctor about that because you could be bipolar. The seeing things, is it a possibility you could just be imagining things? I mean, when something happens to me I start noticing things more that I do. I could look up something and realize that I have half the symptoms and could convince myself of it. It's not hard to do. But if all of this continues you should probably see someone about it.

You need to see someone. What ever is going on in your life and your age are big factors in what you are going through. I'm not saying that you are crazy, but you may be going through a psychological break down. It sounds like it's pretty intense and it's making things difficult for you (to the point were you are hurting yourself). Seeking help now before it gets worse is the best thing to do.

Hurting people/parents hurt others. They just want the reaction so they can get high feel good from it. The words are not true. Abusers use tricky words. You have to look at the agenda and not just the words alone to see the abuse sometimes. Look for what's right. Abuse is anything that's not uplifting, so forget what truth is being used right then. Verbal/Abuse is just one of the things that can bring the demonic which causes so called "Mental Problems".

According to 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, demons masquerade as “angels of light” and as “servants of righteousness.” Appearing as a “ghost”. They are destructive and deceptive. They cause confusion and affect the mind. They also cause plain harassment and emotional torment such as so called Schizophrenia.- BP Depression, weird ideas.

Turns out psychiatry is not based on science. Its just a theory and a guess. There is no medical background to it at all. Psychiatrists do not draw blood to determine the presence of a biochemical imbalance in patients. They merely observe and announce the existence of imbalances. They just desire to believe without science. --Quackery

If you are already a saved Christian you can use the numbered help below.

1. Play Christian music.
2. Say get out in Jesus name in each room.
3. Throw away Ouija boards in case you own one.
4. Rid house of all unholy or sinful items books cd's
5. For Abuse- Google "Emotional Abuse" Abuse brings demons.
6. Google "Sinners prayers"
7. Google "Deliverance and how to get one" or talk to me

I have questions for you-Turn the other cheek is from a custom - does not mean to get abused.

Seeing people make it stop and feel better on a repeated basis.

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