I don't want to be sad... Please help.?!

Question: I don't want to be sad... Please help.?
I am depressed. I know I am. I am going to admit that it is because of a boy who I have been with (kind of) for four years now. The last two of which we have not technically been together. I'm not going into details because I know what you will say. It’s the same thing I would say to my story from someone else, and that’s not what I want to hear.
I want to die, but I could never kill myself. I don't want to be DEAD; I just don't want to live. That is mildly irrelevant however.
Nobody believes I am depressed. I don't want my parents to know that the relationship between me and this guy is something you would see in some messed up physiological love story that is bizarre and twisted.

Soon I am moving to go to college and I don’t want to go simply because the thought of leaving my ex kills me. He has played mind games with me for the last two years.
I am getting off subject, my mind is kind of racing with frustration, forgive me.
I am depressed and my parents, my friends, my teachers, and my doctor all think I am full of s***.
I know without a doubt I am. The second I am alone I cry, sobbing his name. I hate going to school because the one friend I had there was him. He is graduated, and I am left walking around my small town school remembering the best two years of my life.
I know he was my soul mate. Don't say it’s not true, because I never believed in soul mates and I know I sound stupid when I say that.
I just don’t know what to do. I don’t want to be sad anymore...


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

you need to find things to keep your mind off the sadness! FInd hobbies or listen to music that makes you happy. I'm in somewhat the same situation except i've been single for over a year and it makes me feel sad and worthless. But i try to find other things to do that keep my mind off of it! And a therapist always helps , it helps me express how i really feel and get everything out. I suggest you find one! good luck.

See a therapist, immediately and regularly.

leave this guy. i'm not kidding.

from the way he treats you he can't really love or care about you. you need to get out.

Well, you are not the first person in the world who is feeling pain from ending a relationship. If the pain is continuing and affecting your life for more than three month I would consider a depression.
One of the problems is that there is no pill invented in order to remove heartaches. But you may
try some mood lifting methods. Meditation is one of them but the effect is showing up only if applied daily if you want to see the calming of mind effect within a reasonable time.
Exercising like walking in the sunshine and jogging is mood lifting. On bad weather days you may treadmill.


To get over your depression you have to get rid of the boyfriend he is not your soul mate because if he was he would have treated you better. You need to face the fact the relationship is pulling you down and that the relationship has ended and hence the need to learn " 5 steps to coping with grief" this 5 steps will help you cope with almost all problems, You will need to do an internet search for it. Go for a walk or jog always helps me feel better.

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