Do you think animals have emotions? Like depression, sorrow, etc?!

Question: Do you think animals have emotions? Like depression, sorrow, etc?

Yes I do.…

How is that not sad? :P

Animals have feelings. If they were really attached to their owners, they cry. (:

Animals do have emotions, yes, like happy and sad. However, animals do not have the frontal lobe part of the brain- which is what humans have, which really sets us apart from animals. The frontal lobe is that human ability to interpret events, think, evaluate etc. Animals cannot do that, they don't have the ability to think about events and then have those more complex emotions like guilt, sorrow.

yes just cause their animals theyre still living and still have feelings
when they jump around is cause maybe they are excited
just cause they are different from us doesnt mean they dont have emotions
so ya any living creature has feelings
havent you ever seen a dog mad? or cat?
so a simple and correct answer is yes they do have emotions

me :)

Dogs are great examples
Dogs can go through periods of depression (like if someone/another dog dies) Dogs also can be very happy or relaxed.
Same goes for many, many (if not all) different animals. It's just easier to see in domesticated ones



Yes every animal has feelings anything with a soul has feelings. I have a dog she has a way to show shes mad. Or when whens upset or sad about something she will cry and just lay down and look down the whole time. All animals show emotions differently

Na i don't think so, or my cat would be sad of not ever having a girlcat in his life, instead he just chills, naps, eats grass, poops, and licks himself like now

Absolutely, may people who have had a dog can probably agree with me.

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