How do I know if i'm depressed?!

Question: How do I know if i'm depressed?
The way i'm feeling is inexplicable. What are the symptoms of depression?


Depression can be a tricky little bugger and a lot of people understand depression as 'feeling abit sad'

The truth is depression has many different signs and symptoms, ones that are well known and others that are less well known.

You might feel a bit emotional, cry a lot about little things or sometimes nothing at all, find things over whelming, start becoming anxious (anxiety can play a big part in depression), find even little things like getting out of bed and making meals hard to face and impossible to do.

Lose weight, or gain weight. Loss of apetite is a common one.
Also sleep can be affected. With depression going to sleep can be pretty horrific. You will always feel tired and unable to do chores for example, but normal people might have a lie in and feel great but people with depression will go to sleep and that will only make you feel worse.

Feel hopeless, helpless and frustrated and a loss in interests are usually common so stopping inside rather than going out and socialising with people (which in turn, can obviously worsen the depressive symptoms)

Im no doctor, but depression is a pretty serious illness which can damage your life as well as your families life and if you think you might have it its best to go and see your doctor.
Really hope I've shedded some light on the illness and I really hope you dont have it! :)

When you suddenly lose interest in your every day chores and leisure activities. You feel very down, and a black cloud seems to be over you.

You'll know because of the way you are feeling and not responding to other people, like becoming reclusive and just sit there and mope. And you cannot do much about it other than go to the doctor and tell about how you feel.

You can get antidepressants which do work, like librium and valium. And if someone tells you to snap out of it, ignore the remarks and don't speak to them.You may not be depressed, but a little out touch with things and not at your best.

Still a doctor probably could diagnose what is wrong with your usual bubbly self.


It's when you are no longer excited by things that used to excite you. When you look forward to nothing cos you think there is nothing to look forward to. When the feeling of UGH, ANOTHER DAY that comes to you in the morning when you wake up, doesn't subside during the day after a shower, something to eat and going to work or school and being among people. When going out socially, shopping, movies, chatting to friends, and anything usually regarded as enjoyable, doesn't do anything for you. When you look at a perfect rose or a caterpillar through a magnifying glass and you are not moved emotionally to think HOW GORGEOUS!!!

I asked a friend that same question couple months ago. I was told some signs of depression are lack of appetite, problems sleeping(sleep alot and hard time sleeping), irritability. I still havent gotten up nerve to go to doctor to be checked out for depression. Its getting harder every day to pretend to my family that everythings ok when all I really want to do is crawl into a hole and hide and cry.

When you are depressed

Just forgot those matters which you make tense , I know only this way to reduce depressed

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