Can zoloft permantely ruin your mind?!

Question: Can zoloft permantely ruin your mind?
will your mood ever return to normal after being on the drug for so many years? im nearly 23 and have been on the drug since i was 13 years old.


You can get your brain back to normal after even a long time on these drugs. But it will be hard and you need to wean it off. A 13 yr old should never have been given zoloft and to even hear that makes me angry. So basically it was a form of medical abuse unless your problems were extremely profound. But to get your personality back is going to be a long road and you will need support. You don't even really know who you are because of the drug. I have seen with people getting off the long term effects of being doped as a child they often fall back into a second puberty. Be aware of it and prepared for it. Don't try to go cold turkey or you may get very ill, fall into psychotic depression and so on. Get a good support system and get good solid information on the schedule for weaning yourself off. Good luck.

Zoloft is ment to help with mental disorders, my wife has been on it for years without any problems, maybe you don't need it anymore but be careful your old symptoms don't return.

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