Really serious chocolate addiction!!!!?!

Question: Really serious chocolate addiction!!!!?
When i wake up in the morning, first thing I do is reach for some dark chocolate, or if not I eat some after breakfast. At school, I'm sitting and wishing I had some chocolate. After school, I rush home with trembling hands and only relax after I've had
my dark chocolate fix. then I stand there for about 5 seconds....
OK I NEED MORE omnomnomnom
And it's huge effort to not eat the whole bar. I excersise, eat healthy, have a good weight, but I'm just SO addicted to chocolate! I can't live without it. If I dont have any I get depressed, and think bad thoughts. Bad, bad thoughts. It sorta feels like an actual drug addiction only, it's just chocolate.


Well, I chocolate addiction is not unusual, I have one to. I am addicted to twix. Just try and cut back, one idea is but some nail vanish remover on your fingers before you leave home. Then if you decide to buy a choclate bar. You would have your fingers all over it, so when you take a first bite it will taste horrible thus making you not want to waste your money thus not eating as much chocolate. ORR!
You can buy some chocolate that does not have as much calories (low fat)


What you have described is an addiction to caffeine. Trying to get off of it can be as difficult as getting off of anything that would be considered an addiction to anything.

Get in touch with your doctor and tell him just what is happening. He will be able to instruct you on how to eliminate this from your system. It is not going to be easy and you should be prepared for the different side effects you will be experiencing at that time, but this is the only way that you will be able to get off it.

Also you will not be able to eat chocolate to the extent that you are and may in the fact be unable to partake of it again.

im kinda the same way, BUT, recently my grandma introduced me to this healthy chocolate. if you cant get any try the speshal K cerial ( chocolate one) or the bars

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