I think i may have social anxiety?!

Question: I think i may have social anxiety!?
i absoloutly hate going out on my own
i feel like everyone is staring at me
because im so ugly i have no self esteem
i left school at 15 because of bullying and
from feeling really uncomfortable around people
like being watched and feeling really nervous and sweaty
i am now 17 and still cry over leaving school and not passing
my grades and from the harsh reality of not having a good life
becouse of this i want to go to college and study photography
i have been there once to sort it out but felt really nervous and
sick around people trying to sort college out so i left now i cry
myself to sleep thinking how ive messed my life up and that i wont
have normal things in life like a job a car and all that stuff and i feel
like killing myself sometimes sorry this is so long :( i think its social anxiety but im too scared to go to the doctorsWww@Answer-Health@Com

It will be difficult but you really need to seek medical advice!. They can rule out physical problems, get you on anti-anxiety medication if needed, and refer you to therapy!. Lots of people have it and the most difficult part will be your initial doctor visit!. I've listed some sites below for you to check out!.

God bless you, and I hope you feel better very soon!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sound like Post traumatic stress to me, & make no mistake about it!.!.!.this disorder can lead towards anxiety & depression which also account for unwanted thoughts!!

And there should be no reason to be scared of the doctor the longer you stay home the worse you will get, go to the doctor soon or ASAP before your symptoms get any worse the 1st step in solving the problem is recognizing the problemWww@Answer-Health@Com

yeah, i think you do too):
the best thing you can do for yourself is get a GED online or at a community college!. that way you don't have to go back!. and people getting their GED's won't care about a little 17 year old, because they'll be in their 20s and 30s!. and you can go at your own pace too!. and everyone around you will be in the same position because no one there has finished college!. i guarantee they won't bully you!. then after, go to a special arts college for photography!. most people at those colleges aren't judge-mental at all!. also, it might help if you see a counselor about this!. i know it seems dumb, but it will really help! also, consider taking self-confidence classes!. i heard they REALLY help!.
surround yourself with nice people!. you will have friends if you just have confidence and you're friendly!. things will be okay in the end!. and if it's not okay, it's not the end yet!. okay!?
best of luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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