Uncle is hurting me intentionally i feel any advice please?!

Question: Uncle is hurting me intentionally i feel any advice please!?
i am 39 years old and my uncle puts me down on a constant basis he has since day one!.it does not matter what it is he always has something to say and then turns around and claims he was joking around!.
he has don e this to me all my life and i am now at my wits end!.
yesterday it all came to ahead when i blew up at my uncle because i believe a person take only so much then he threatens and tells me that he will not bother with me anymore when he is the one that is always being the jerk not me!.i have spoken to him about this but i am not getting through!.i currently am living with him temporarily until i get my own place!.his words are depressing me he calls me names and says things that are not nice!.none of his kids have anything to do with him!.!.i do not get it what did i do to deserve this!? i need and would appreciate any advice please that would help me finally solve this problem once and for all!.thank youWww@Answer-Health@Com

You didn't do anything!. There are people out there that are abusive by nature, and really don't think that they need to change!. For them, its perfectly normal and reasonable to criticize people!. If it wasn't you, it would be someone else!. Don't expect him to change, the only thing you can change is your reaction to his abuse!.
There's a reason why his kids have nothing to do with him - it's doubtful that it is ingratitude on their part!.
It's unfortunate that you have to endure this kind of crap!. Just try to look forward to the day when you can get your own place!. Sorry, there's not much more I can say that might be helpful!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

First of all, you need to find another place because it is dangerous to your mental health!. No one needs another person putting down another because it makes them feel stronger, better and so forth!. He also feels like now that you need his help he can really talk trash to you because he have to put up with it if you want to stay there!. Some ppl never grow up, he will probably act this way till the day he dies!. Why do you put up with it!? Probably just like you said, you have always known him to be this way, but it doesn't mean you have to tolerate it any longer!. Being under his roof though makes you subject to attacks!. You don't deserve this and you don't have to tolerate it!.
You need to fight fire with fire so to speak!. When he is acting up, speak to him kindly, when he is taunting you, be nice!. You know he can get to you because he has been doing it for years!. Be the better person and turn the tables on him with kindness!. Two things will happen, he will either leave you alone after awhile or you will have to move out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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