There's something wrong with my sister....?!

Question: There's something wrong with my sister!.!.!.!.!?
I have a 14 year old sister who acts a bit weird sometimes!. She gets really frustrated over nothing and says things out of nowhere!. This has mainly started over the past couple of months and its kind of freaking me out!.
Even though I'm her older sister, I honestly don't know what to do!. And my mum doesn't either!.
Please help us!.!.!.!.


Your sister needs to be evaluated be an adolescent psychologist or psychiatrist as soon as possible!. I would advise that she be seen by an adolescent psychiatrist because she may need medication and some ignorant psychologists don't believe in medication!.This is too important an issue to depend on answers from Yahoo people!.

I used to work as a Registered Nurse in adult and adolescent psychiatry for many years!. What you describe does not seem to me to be normal, hormonal, teenage behavior!. If she were my daughter, I would have her seen by a "board certified" adolescent psychiatrist as soon as possible!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It sounds like she's irritated!. Irritation can have lots of causes (not all of them have to be pathological)!. Can she clearly communicate what exactly is bothering her!? Are you and your mother encouraging her to explain some of the things she "says out of nowhere" (what may be appearing like 'nowhere' to you, may well have a basis)!.

other causes can be depression, substance abuse, hormonal adjustments (especially during puberty)!. You and your mother might want to try not to react negatively, judging or frightened to her behaviour, but start a dialogue and if that doesn't solve at least some of the problems, you may agree to see a health care provider to get more advise!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I agree with Proud American, she is just coming into teenager-itis, it affects different people in different ways!. Be a good older sis and talk to her sometimes like she's as old as you are, find out what she's thinking or worrying about, give her good advice!. She'll be okay, just let her be herself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It could be a lot of things like stress or just teenage harmonies!.She should go see a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Probably hormones kicking in,Www@Answer-Health@Com

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