Is this to do with my depression?!

Question: Is this to do with my depression!?
I suffer from depression, and as anybody who has it knows some of the things that go on, i have had it about a year and only recently went to the docters about it well about 2 months ago, i mentioned to my GP about my periods being terribly messed up!.

Ever since i started with depression, my periods well lets sey No period, i haven't been on in around 6 months now, except for about once or twice for a day at each of the 2 times, its very worrying as im 17!.

Iknow about my cycle still might not be right cus of my age, but before it was pretty dam fine, yeh i came on late sometimes, or missed a month, but six months, and there just strange, i know stress can cause periods to be messed up, just wondering for any advice please on if it is to do with this!? and how do i go about checking myself out or anything else it could be, advice only please many thanks Kerry!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

i am 27 now and had the same thing happen to me when i was 16 and 17 and 18!. i was so unhappy and depressed, my periods stoped for about one year!. hope fully you will get pass this bad part of life you are going through and life will look up!. i went through it all and came out the other side!. try think of your life being good and making some thing of your self!. you are so young and should be happy and out with friends or making friends all the time, but that can be hard now a days with the way people are but you need to think of you and what you want out of life!. when you are better with your self inside you will find all will fall in to place for you please god!. good luck and try be happyWww@Answer-Health@Com

I've had serious clinical depression for two years!. In that time, i've had two periods!. I used to be regular!. It's the stress!. I went to my dr about it and he checked me all over, inside and out, and there was no physical or hormonal reason for them to stop!. But my psychiatrist explained it is a common symptom during depression!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, it could be!. The same thing happened to me during my depression, after all, along with lack of sleep and lethargy!.

Any stress and depression can put off your cycle!. Expect it soon, though, because it took mine 6 months as well!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to go to a Gynecologist for a thorough physical and consultation!. He/she could best advise you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

excersize helps me with depression

help with mine


have u lost weight recently, if you weigh under 7 stone your periods will stopWww@Answer-Health@Com

i dont know, 6 months is too long!. are you sure you're not pregnant!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

your not depressedWww@Answer-Health@Com

As far as I know depression itself won't mess up your periods!.!.!.!.but!.!.!.things that are a factor in you getting depression can also be a factor in your periods stopping!.

So it could be pregnancy or stress or a hormone imbalance!?

Or it could be nothing to do with any of this!. I am not sure how much you weigh but quite often if you are slim/low weight this will play a part and in that case the answer would be to eat healthly food and more of it, put on a little weight and the periods will come back!. I mention this because quite often depressed people either don't eat, or don't eat the right healthy foods, which in turn leads to low nutritional levels and low mood and low weight!.!.!.and then periods stop!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My wife has been suffering from depression and has had problems with her periods!. She some times misses her period and or is late, due to stress!. Firstly I would consider if you are pregnant!. If you have any doubts go and see your GP!. In any case I would go and get yourself checked out just in case there are any underlying issues!. Stress can be a factor in your bodies workings but getting confirmation of this from someone who knows what their taking about is the best thing you can do!. Hope you get sorted!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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