Do i have bipolar condition?!

Question: Do i have bipolar condition!?
i dont know anything about this condition , just found out about it but i think i may have it
i am extremly unconfident , i can be over sensative , i lost many friends because im so unconfident and it has taken over my life!.
do i have this bipolar or not!?
what should i do to not be so unconfident if i dont have it!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Bipolar Disorder - Symptoms
Bipolar disorder causes extreme mood swings, from feeling overly energetic (mania) to feeling very sad or having low energy (depression)!.3

Mania may cause a person to:

Feel extremely happy or very irritable!.
Have a very high opinion of himself or herself (inflated self-esteem)!.
Not need as much sleep as usual (feel rested after 3 hours of sleep)!.
Talk more than usual!.
Be more active than usual!.
Have difficulty concentrating because of having too many thoughts at the same time (racing thoughts)!.
Be easily distracted by sights and sounds!.

If you don't know anything about I can't see how you came to suspect you have it!?
Below is a site that describes bipolar which I also have and your symptoms are not it!. When you get mania you become totally over confident like you could take over the world!. You can do anything and you are super human!. You seem the exact opposite at all times so I would say it's unlikely you have it but I'm not a a doctor!.

See this other site and see if you recognise you more in it!.

That sounds more like depression than bipolar!. Bipolar disorder sufferers usually complain of hyperenergetic, irritable, talking fast, while in the manic phase (or upswing) and symptoms of depression during the down swing!. You do not describe any signs of mania so most likely clinical depression, which can be treated!. Go see your doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your world does go around you!. It all starts with you and it ends with you!.

Try self respect, then self love!.

Once you practice this two on you!. It will began to spill out to others around you!. there for creating desire in others to be around you!.

People want to be respected and loved!.

Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds very unlikely of you having bipolar!. But you do sound like you have low self esteem which explains being sensitive and not confident!. I recommend a book could overcoming low self esteem by melanie fenell!. This book is amazing when i first started reading it i could see all the things i did which i never thought about!. It helps you understand what you are feeling and explain why you are feeling these things!. Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

being bipolar has nothing to do with your confidence, it just sounds like you have self-esteem issues!. talk to a doctor about your problems, read some motivational self-help books and learn to believe in yourself!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Definitely doesn't sound like Bipolar Disorder!. Just sounds like you need some confidence! Maybe consider some assertiveness classes or some counselling!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Do something that takes you out of your safety/comfort zone!.!.!.

And if you aren't scared when undertaking this task or mission then that's not pushing yourself enough!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

See a Doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

With all that, you must be depressed!.!.!.Yes, they exist and they suffer!. It's a hard time to know that you are mad is'n it!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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