I'm so tired of feeling like this. help?!

Question: I'm so tired of feeling like this!. help!?
i'm so depressed all the time!. i found out today that my best friend is totally hiding all this stuff from me and i'm having major guy issues!. i cut all the time because i'm so depressed but nothing makes it better!. i'm tired of lying to everyone and acting like i'm happy!. i'm falling apart and there's nothing i can do to stop it!. i don't want to see a therapist, the last one i had just made me feel worse but i told my parents i was all good again!. i never cut in places that people can see!. i almost told my really good friend but i just couldn't make myself do it, she has so much drama in her life already and i don't want to make it worse!. she's a junior and she really needs to focus on school and i can't distract her from that!. i'm so tired of living like this!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i used to be depressed too you just have to look at the positive sides of everything!.!.!. tell your closest friend your problem and that your working to solve it so he/she can help!. also start with not cutting!. i learned it didn't solve anything!.!.!. use a stress ball but don't hurt yourself!. and your guy issue talk to your parents!.!.!. i know that all like "ugh" but i opened up to my parents about a lot of thing and it help me through everything !.!.!. they treat you like a princess after that haha!.!. anyway yea just be positive have your closest friend know whats going on and get a stress ball or workout !.!.!. exercise makes you feel better!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

John 3:16 :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

You're not alone!. The way you described yourself feels like you're describing me! I just don't cut and you shouldn't either!. You'll just leave yourself with scars and I'm sure you don't want that!. I understand about not wanting to see a therapist again!. I went to one as well, and it made me feel worse too!.

Try keeping a journal about how you feel!. I just pour out everything in that!. My thoughts, feelings, what may be bothering me and/or maybe the people causing me to feel this way!. It's a great way to find out what's triggering a specific problem and then finding a solution for it!. Writing poetry helps me, and since it doesn't have to rhyme, even better!. Writing out feelings can help out!. Also, taking hot bubble baths can leave you with a sense of rejuvenation and leaving you feel fresh!. If you like listening to techno and trance music, it could also help you feel better and push any negativity away!. Things will get better!.

Feel free to email me if you'd like to talk to me further!.

*Here is a link to my published poem titled Life's a Gift that could uplift your spirits: http://www!.poetry!.com/dotnet/P7385354/AE!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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