Help for my little sister?!

Question: Help for my little sister!?

She enjoys her freedom I guess I am not there in the house anymore and I live thousands of miles away!.!.!. I am guilty I can't help her, she is 16 and lives with our parents still!.
if she is allowed to go out, she tries drugs with her friends and has sex

if she is grounded, she tries to commit suicide by cutting
she is already in a mental support place, along with weekly meetings,

but she tell me she is going crazy and is makin her more suicidal

I don't know!.!.!. how can I help her!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It sounds like your sister may have some mental health issues (suicidal, cutting, self medicating, promiscuous behavior, etc)!. Having the parental supervision she has is good for her, no matter how much she claims it pains her!. It would be best for her to see a counselor, therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist!.
There is a lot of information on the web about cutting, suicidal tendencies, and experimenting with drugs!.
The Mayo Clinic has a great amount of information about self-injury or cutting!. You can go there to find out some more information http://www!.mayoclinic!.com/health/self-in!.!.!.
As for suicidal thoughts or attempts, visit http://www!.mayoclinic!.com/health/suicide!.!.!. for more information!.
Suicide often times does not come and go with house privileges (if she is able to go out with friends)!. Perhaps it is an attention seeking behavior but regardless should not be taken lightly in case it is not!.

I would contact your parents and see what options as a family you can offer her!. Maybe she needs one on one guidance!. I have a friend who benefited from group counseling!. She felt supported by people who had been where she had been!. Perhaps medication is another opportunity for improvement in her behavior!.

Best of luck to you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

A 16 year old trying drugs and having sex!!!? OMG! That's unheard of! I'm being facetious of course!.!.!.!.!. Your parents should try and guide her through this and obviously she needs help for her suicidal feelings!. Professional help!. You can call her and try to be a friend, that's the best you can personally offer!. Grounding a 16 year old for having sex and trying drugs only makes them want to do it more!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Can she come stay with you for a time, while you help her!? She needs someone that she can trust to talk to about why she is acting out the way she is!. You need to atleast keep in close contact with her via a phone or somen!. Keep her close in your heart and never let her take that apart from you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

no shes not crazy she just need someone there for her!. be ther for her if you can!. if you cant tell your parents they need to step up to the plate and comfort their child!. shes a teenager and now a days life is getting harder for teens!. show her what u wrote if possible!. good luck luvWww@Answer-Health@Com

you need to let your family move she is getting a bad influence from the people she is hanging out with and she really needs to stop seeing them and try to tackle the people who are selling her the drugs!. switch schools or somethingWww@Answer-Health@Com

she may be sick and need more help than an instituation can give her!.!.!.she needs test run to see if there are bigger problems than her just being a bad child!.!.!.i would have her talk to her doctor she may need medication because she can't control what is happening!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

u need t tell ur parents what she is telling you!. if u can maybe have her live with you since she feels she can tell u everything!. she looks up to u and wants to be with you!.

hope everything goes okWww@Answer-Health@Com

She seems very rebellious, but the thing is, you can't help anybody that doesn't want to be helped, they won't cooperate with anybody!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think all you can do is tell her you love her and want her to live a long life so you can grow old and wise together!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

She obviously trusts you, confides in you and looks to you!. Honestly, I would move back home and be there for her!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

-1+-1 =-2 and 1+-1=0 she screwed up know she is getting what she deserves it's life honey like karmaWww@Answer-Health@Com

get her commited to a full time facilityWww@Answer-Health@Com

she needs a whole bunch of attention!.!.!.!.!.!.!.surprise party!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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