I have such a short fuse, how can I control this?!

Question: I have such a short fuse, how can I control this!?
I am currently separated from my husband and I just have the hardest time coming to a conclusion on what to do with him!. We want to get back together, him come to live with me!. But it is just not happening, one minute everything is fine and then the next minute he'll say or ask something that makes me snap on him!. I have so much anger towards him and i don't know how to get rid of it!. I know that if I can get over that and talk to him calmly all of the time that would help us so much but I end up snapping before I can even realize it, once I get into that mode I'm just so fired up it's ridiculous!. Any suggestions as to what I can do to control my short fuse with him so that we can comunicate and get back together!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Stop trying to control him and focus on yourself!. Anger toward other people can come for many reasons but the primary cause is in an effort to control the other person and their refusal to comply!. For the time being just live your own life and take care of your own business and let him do what he does!. By not trying to make him do something you want and just doing for yourself, you will take the pressure off of him!. The fact that he is living with his parents and only working odd jobs may be an indication of mental stress and perhaps a level of depression!. He can probably work this out on his own but if you are pressuring him and perhaps his parents are doing the same he might be overwhelmed and confused!. Hard to say without more info!.

All any of us can do is take care of ourselves first!. Marriage is about wanting to share a life, not live it for someone else!. Give yourself a break and ease off your expectations of him!. Good Luck :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

did he do something in the past that makes you hold so much anger towards him!?

i have trouble moving on after someone does me wrong, so if this is the case, if you have the same problem, i would suggest seperating and moving on!.

if it's not the case and it's just in your nature, get counceling and perhaps meds!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Why control it!?! You guys obviously aren't meant to be together! Count your losses and move on! If you have children they're going to be better off having a 'happy mommy and daddy' rather than 'zomg mommy is beating the hell out of daddy again' life!.

There is nothing wrong with you obviously he's done something wrong or you just don't want it anymore!.

Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if he has any sense he'll stay the hell away from you!.!.!.!.!.nobody needs that kind of drama in their lives although some thrive on it!.

he, obviously isn't one of them or he would have come back by now!. leave him be and search for someone who likes to keep some kind of conflict going in the relationship and then you'll both be happyWww@Answer-Health@Com


learn to count to 5 slowly and breath rythmicly!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sounds like he would be better off without you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you have so much anger towards him, why even get back together with him!. The time apart from each other didn't work at all!. Then imagine that you two would be bickering at each other most of the time!. Anger isn't a good thing to have towards a person that you want to have move in with you!. If it's a case of cheating on you and the trust that you lost towards him!.!.!.don't even go into that ball field and don't let him move in at all!. Anger will lead into many paths such as despise etc!.!.!. health related problems in high blood pressure and such!. Just let him know how you feel about him and what he did!. But the moving part should wait a little bit more in this case!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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