ADD/ADHD in adults: Is it a real issue and how does one deal?!

Question: ADD/ADHD in adults: Is it a real issue and how does one deal!?
I am a college student, and I often find myself completely distracted!. I'm a very good writer (I'm not bragging, sorry if it comes off this way), yet, it might take me 3, 4, 5, or more hours to write a very short paper (3 pages, let's say)!. I look out the window, I randomly think of other things I need to do (for example -- in the middle of writing, I'll decide I should take out the trash, or I need to check something for another course, or I need to go online and find out the name of a song stuck in my head)!.

This doesn't just happen with writing!.!. it happens with all my school work, and other things as well!.

Like, if I am fooling around on the internet (get your mind out of the gutter!), I can't help but research 10 or so topics at once!. I've got 3 tabs open at the moment!

I can't keep my focus!. What can I do!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Google ADHD in adults or ADD in women / ADHD in women!.
There are lots of great resources!.

I was just the same as you in college!. Luckily I am intelligent or I never would have passed (I could usually manage to pull an alnighter to get a paper in at the last minute)!.
I had symptoms right throughout childhood and school!. Things got worse in Junior High onwards as I had to organise more and more!.
The lack of external structure in college was really bad for me!.!.!.!.as I had no idea how to organise myself!.

I found flylady!. www!.flylady!.net!. It is mainly for housework!.!.!.!.!.but she also has a section for students (and a great student control journal)!.
It is all about setting up routines (ibaby stepseps) and beaking things into manageable chunksusinging a timer for 15 minutes to work on something, then resting for 15 minutes for example!.

I feel for you!.!.!.!.I know how frustrating and overwhelming!. Others don`t understand!.!.!.!.!.they just think you are lazy!. Your self esteem really takes a battering!.
If you can get to a psychiatrist for an evaluation!.!.!.it would be useful!. They can either prescribe medication or advise you on ways to manage!. I am 40 and I really wish I had done something earlier!.


You could try to go see your doctor!. He/She can prescribe pills that help you stay focused!. My cousin Aiden takes them!. I'm not sure what they're called, but I'm sure your doctor will help you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

go ask your doctor, they know best usually!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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