Do I need to be in a mental institution?!

Question: Do I need to be in a mental institution!?
I used to hurt myself but I'm trying not to!. I hear voices in my head and I feel like I'm breaking and I'm going to completely snap!. I'm only 14 tho, and I don't know what to do!. If i need to go to a mental institution, could you give me a name for a good one!? Are they expensive!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Unless you are leaving out very important information, from what you have said so far, you do not need to be in a hospital!. However, I do think it would be an excellent idea to see a mental health professional for an assessment!. There are many reasons why a person might hear voices!. Did you know that most people who hear voices DO NOT have schizophrenia!? It does not necessarily mean you have a chemical imbalance either!. Getting some professional input (including psychiatric) can really help ease your mind!.

It must be very scary not understanding what's going on!. I don't know where you are, so I can't really point you to a specific place!. You can try to do an internet seach on "mental health clinic" for your city, state, or country to find out where you can get that assessment!. Do you think your parents will be supportive!? If not, you can talk with your guidance counselor, school nurse, or other trusted adult who may be able to convince them to get you that assessment!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Have you talked to your doctor or parents about this!? This is definently a serious issue, but doesn't mean that you have to go to a metal institution!. But what you do need to do is see or talk to your doctor who will refer you to a psychiatrist!. A psychiatrist should be sufficient in giving you the proper medications to control your symptoms!. Even though it's probably hard, do NOT think that you are crazy!.!.!. you aren't!. It is most like a chemical imbalance in your brain or some other type of disorder that can be controlled by medication and is not you fault!. Whatever you do, PLEASE talk to your doctor or parents or anyone to get an appointment ASAP before anything bad could happen!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i agree with 'eryops'!. the first step is that you need to tell either your parents or a school teacher you trust (maybe the guidance councilor, that's what they're there for!) you are too young to try to sort this out on your own, so get an adult involved!. very likely you can be seen at a local office or hospital so you probably won't need to worry about an "institution" at all!. remember that the adults in your life are there to protect and take care of you, so let them do that!. ;> good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It sounds like you need some counseling at least, try a mental health/mental retardation center in your area!. Don't panic, call a crisis hotline number, look in the front of your phone book for the numbers or in the yellow pages!. Good Luck!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to speak with your parents or guardians!. It sounds like you could be schizophrenic!. You should definitely see a doctor and be checked out, because the condition is managable when treated!. Good luck

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