How can i get her help?!

Question: How can i get her help!?
my best mate has been recently distant from me, her family and every think she does!. she has no interest in anythink anymore!. im worried as she refuses to go see the doctor!. it seems that she is slowly breaking down in her mind and will soon come to a stop!. what can i do to help her!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

How is her sleep & appetite!? Does she cry often!? Does she carry on with routine activities!? She may be having a normal reaction to some unhappy event in her life (as long as it's not causing her dysfunction)!. If it does, this may be depression or even early signs of other major mental illnesses!. If things are worsening, you might have to take her (some force/pressure might be needed) to a psychiatrist/doctor!. In case she attempts/talks about self-harm/suicide you are fully justified in going against her wish for a consultation!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sit down and have a chat with her!.!. tell her that you are really worried about her and you really want to help because you don't want to lose her and comfort her by saying whatever it is we can get through it together (but don't make it sound!.!.!. you know)!. I think she might be through the early stages of depression so the sooner you do this the better!. Maybe go with her to see a counselor at school or something!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Although Yahoo Answers is a great place to get answers to your questions and for general discussion, you may want to also think about posting your question at another place!. Since your question deals with mental health you should consider posting it at RecoveryForums!.org where there are people that specialize in such questions!.

Hope this helps you :)

Website: http://www!.RecoveryForums!.orgWww@Answer-Health@Com

What you can do, is just be there for her!. Wait until she breaks down and tells you her emotions!. Take her out, give her some fun times!.!. Keep it going with her, she needs you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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