How do you get yourself off anti-depressants?!

Question: How do you get yourself off anti-depressants!?
If your depression is genetic can you be cured or will you always have to be on medication!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I just started taking mine after I had #6!. Guess that one just pushed me over the edge!. LOL

I don't always take it, just on bad days!. I sometimes go weeks and not even open the bottle!. I don't think it's something that you have to be on forever!.

However, some people are really crazy and need it all the time!.

I don't think you are really crazy, if it's you that you are talking about;)Www@Answer-Health@Com

You dont take yourself off of antidepressants, you have to be medically monitored!. You may have to take them the rest of your life, you may not!. Many people take it for a time, and when they are feeling better, stop taking them with their doctors approval!. You may have to take them the rest of your life, just depends on the problem!.!.!.!.are you bi-polar!? Chances are you will take them the rest of your life!.!.!.!.Are you going through stress, grieving!.!.you may only have to take them for a few months!. Let your doctor be the judge, but remember, you have to see a doctor to just up and quit taking these types medication, it can be dangerious, most antidepressants effect the chemicles in your brain, and stopping taking them may cause some side effects, so you want to be sure you can do everyday normal things like driving!. When I was taken off of the pills, I couldnt drive for a few weeks because the medicine often made me slightly dizzy in which driving would not be cool!. Sometimes abrupt stopping the pills can cause seizures, of which your doctor will know which medications will do that, so you see, dont play doctor, go to one or ask the doctor who prescribed them!. I dont think antidepressants "CURE" you, I think they adjust the chemicals in your brain to run effectively, you may be lacking a certain chemical in your brain that causes depression, so it depends on your situation!. Give us more details on WHAT you are taking, and WHY!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

When you decide to come off your meds - you have to do it slowly!!! The withdrawal is horrible and I have done it both ways and you are surely going to have an episode if you do it cold turkey!. I have had a serious issue with depression since a child - I am just shy of 33 now!. I started taking ad's when I was around 20!. I have had to switch numerous times until I found something that worked for me (wellbutrin XL 300 mg) everyone is different!. Life changes rapidly and although I have gone off them for periods of time, I do go back from time to time when I need them!. I know that depression will always be a part of my life and sometimes you need that help!. But you can choose to allow it to overcome your life or take control of it!. The sooner you accept it and learn to work around it the better off your life will be!. Don't use it as an excuse or a crutch or else you WILL have it prominently in your life forever!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You may have to always be on meds depending on how serious we are talking here!.

I do get depressed as well but I do things to keep myself off meds!. I painted the majority of the inside of my house bright yellow, I leave the curtains back so the sun rises in my face when I wake up, I always have fast pace beat music playing in the background!. Caffeine certainly helps!. Constant sex helps alot too to help release the feel good chemicals in the brain!. Working out does the same thing!. And I just keep moving!. Always something to do!.

So again!.!. It depends at what level the depression is!.!.and if it is controlable off the meds by doing certain things to promote a happy environment in your work and in your home!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You won't always have to on them!. There will come a time in about 6 months to a 1 1/2 yrs you will be able to be slowly weened!. But plan on a return episode as you grow older!. Seems once you have one more tend to happen at a length of 10yrs span!. Your chemicals in your brain aren't being distributed correctly so its logical to understand you will need help again in the future!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Get connected with God and you will have no room for depression!. Almighty God is your best Friend and Healer!.

God loves you, and you are precious to Him!. The Son of God died on the Cross to save us from condemnation, and qualifying us to Heaven!. Just come to Jesus with genuine repentance and faith and you will be saved for eternity!. Heaven is wonderful beyond description and forever without end!. Never miss Heaven for anything of this troubled world!. Life on earth is short and uncertain!. Get right with God before it is too late!. Best wishes for happiness and Heaven! (www!.soon!.org!.uk)Www@Answer-Health@Com

When on anti depressants, do not cut them off immediately!. But take them less !.!.!. !.!.and less!.!.!. !.frequently; at the same time, make changes to better your life, and when the time is ripe, stop!. taking!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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