I skipped school today amd am suicidal. What should I do?!

Question: I skipped school today amd am suicidal!. What should I do!?
My parents think I should go to school!. What should i DO PLEEASSE HELP!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Tell your parents to bring you to the ER!.
Tell your parents you feel suicidal!.
If you can't talk to them truthfully than at least call a suicide hotline!.
You are right you do need help!.
Good for you for asking here!.!.!.


On the suicidal note: honestly more people then you know will miss you, so think about all the good things in your life and don't take them for granted!.

Your a great person and to someone you mean the world to them please don't take that way from them!. You have no idea how badly it would effect their lives and other around them as well!. Just as much as it will affect everyone you know and your family!.

If your parents think you should go to school then you should go!. You have a bright future so go for it!. May kids feel suicidal at times but live through it and life a happy life no matter what they are going through!. Life is too short as it is to through it away at a young age!

If your problem is at school!. Then you should talk to someone about fixing the problem!. Many people would be more then happy to help!. Just be honest with them!. If it's a student or a teacher in a class you can always get moved to another class room away from that situation!. You could also go to your consular for that class till you can get moved out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ok, well, even if you're suicidal, you should still go to school!. Talking to your friends (about anything, not just depression) could up your mood or make you feel better!. Also, grades going down the tubes tend to make me even worse, and so does make up work, so skipping isn't probably the best idea!. Also, if you are suicidal, either go to a doctor or your parents!. However, if you tell your doctor, sometimes you're forced to go see a therapist, like I was!. I wasn't happy, that almost made it worse for me!. So my advice, in the end, is go to school, do things to up your mood, and talk to your parents before you talk to anyone else about it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Please understand that there are many reasons for these thoughts- some because of situations, some simply because of mental and chemical, physical developments of going through changes into adulthood!. Any many, many people get to the point that you are at!.!.!.

There is not only help to get through this process- it is also an interesting journey that can be safely guided with a good Therapist or counselor- Honestly! You can not only get through this- but you can learn a lot!

Make a call- start where you are comfortable- your parents!? the school counselor!? Community Mental Health, through your county services!? A hotline!? a friends parent that you trust!? Even your medical insurance "nurse line" can point you in the right direction to kind help!.!.!. You took the huge step to post on this site!.!.!.you can start the next journey too!.!.!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ask yourself why you don't want to go to school!.!.!.
Confirm with yourself that that is the only reason why you don't want to go to school!.!.!.

Tell this reason to your parents!.!.!. If you're not comfortable facing them, write a "letter" to them!.!.!.with your own handwriting!.!.!.!. in ink (don't write an e-mail!.!.!. It doesn't have that much effect)

Am sure your parents will do something about that!.!.!.

And yeah!.!.!. Cheer up!.!.!. There are so many under privileged who say that "I am poor because I am not educated"Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, your parents obviously know right!. School will help you with the future and suicide only leads to heartache and pain for your parents and also leads to hell!. But i have a question!.!.!.why are you suicidal and want to skip school!? I could answer more elaborately if you had more details!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Talk to someone about why you don't want to go to school!. If there's a reason you don't want to go to school and you'd rather die than go, you need to find a solution to the problems at school!. Talk to an adult that you know cares and you trust!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Please call a suicide hotline or a crisis hotline in your area!. If your parents are not going to help, then please help yourself!. You are suicidal for a reason and you need to talk to someone!. Please go get some help RIGHT NOW!Www@Answer-Health@Com

pray to God asapy!. Or explain to your parents how you feel; if they dont help!. PLEASE DONT DO SOMETHING BAD!. go for a walk!. Before they send you to a pyscho ward!. YOU DONT WANT TO GO THERE!. they gon make u a ginny pig!. I HOPE U BE OK !!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Listen to your parents, go back to school and talk to a counselor there!. That is precisely why they are there!. You definately need to get out of the house my friend!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

what were you planning to do!? are you afraid of what u thought of doin, go to school its for the best, u dont want to end up doing fu#$ed up like the guy on the corner of the street Www@Answer-Health@Com

you might want to go to school!.
It may get your mind off of it!.
Don't do anything rash!. If you want you can give me ur aim and we can talkWww@Answer-Health@Com

you should go to school or get psychiatrist if that doesn't work then you should move somewhere and talk to your parents about that and get a consuler they can help those are my ideas hope it helpsWww@Answer-Health@Com

If you're suicidal, you need to be admitted to the hospital!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Instead of seeking attention with your suicidal-ness and all!.!.

Why dont you get it over with so we can read a page without hearing that crap!.

I'll give ya a hand!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Phone the samaritains - or speak to a teacher!.

ask your parents to take you to the dr!. and don't stay by yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Go to school!. Its easy!. Wait till you get to college!. Seriously, go to school!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Call your parents!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't kill yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Stay alive and go to schoolWww@Answer-Health@Com

Call your mom or dad or a suicide hot line!.!. Just talk to somebodyWww@Answer-Health@Com

i reccomend you skip suicide and get schooled!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

dont do anything stupid think about all the people that love you and what losing u would do to them!. maybe u should stay home so u dont harm urself or othersWww@Answer-Health@Com

ermmm!.!.!.yea!.!.!.!.!. So you satisfy your ego for trouble!.!.!.!.nice!.!.!.!.try boxingWww@Answer-Health@Com

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