Do I need therapy...?!

Question: Do I need therapy!.!.!.!?
I am constantly depressed!.
I always blame myself for everything!.
I find myself crying and being very sad for no reason!.
I`m always having suicidal thoughts!.
I constantly worry even with smaller things!.
I am very self conscious!.
I also believe that everybody hates me even though they don't!.
I worry that in my friend's thoughts that they are thinking bad of me and hate me!.

I don`t get this!.!.!.why!? I`ve been suffering with these for awhile now!.

It seeems like you have depression and a therapist or psychiatrist could really hellp you!.
you dont have to feel helpless all the time, there is somebody out there who can help you!
hope i helped and good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes- i'd suggest you find an emdr therapist!. sounds like you could do with some resourcing and processing
try : http://www!.emdria!.org/displaycommon!.cfm!?!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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