My doctor prescribed seroquel for depression? What has been your experience with!

Question: My doctor prescribed seroquel for depression!? What has been your experience with it!?
I have been on Cymbalta (60mg/day) for a few months now (for treatment of clinical depression) and I have noticed some improvement!.!.!. seems to get better with time!. Today, my doctor perscribed me seroquel (25mg/day) in conjunction with the cymbalta!. I am scared to take the seroquel because it is an anti-psycotic and a sedative, I have also heard stories of horrible weight gain while on seroquel, and that is part of the reason I am depressed to begin with, I dont want to make it worse!. What has been your experience with either of these meds!? What should I expect while taking these!? Are my weight worries unfounded, or should I be extra careful with my excersise/food intake!? Thank you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey!. I too have the Cymbalta 60mg and seroquel combo!. However, i am prescribed 400mg seroquel!.

I wouldnt worry about only 25mg!. It might react differently with you, but thats a pretty low dose probably just to calm down your thoughts in the day so your not depressd, or if you take it at night, its a sleep aid!.

ther are weight gain problems associated with it, it affects your metabolism!. again though, i dont think it will be a problem with it only being 25mg!.

I would take the first few days of school or work off so you can see how you react to it!. For me, when i took the 400mg, i passed out and woke up late in the next day, and found out i pee'd on myself in my sleep lol!. Its a very powerful sedative, so you cant wake up naturally i should say!.

Just watch your diet though and you shouldnt gain too much weight!. maybe a pound or two!. and if it bothers you that much, ttalk to your doc and get on something else :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your doctor prescribed a very low dose!. Doses can range up to 300 mg per day!. Seroquel is a mood stabilizer that reuptakes dopamine and seretonin and is also used as an anti-psychotic!. I take it with Lorazepam for insomnia!. I has a great effect of inducing somnolence!. You can also hallucinate from this drug!. You probably need to take an anti-depressent as well and not just a mood stabilizer along!. Seroquel also can cause long term side efects on the central nervous system!. Better check it out!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Low dosage or not, the bottom line here is that Seroquel is an antipsychotic, and by the sounds of it, you aren't anywhere near that stage!.!.!.

Personally, I would increase the dosage of my antidepressant before I'd even consider introducing an antispsychotic into my system!.

The long term affects of such medications are well documented, and not what I'd consider pleasant!. Please seek out a second opinion, as I know from personal experience that far too often, some doctors are more befitting of the title "drug dealer", as opposed to "healer"!.

Best of luck to you!.

25mg is a very small dose!. I take 100mg a day for my Bipolar Disorder!. I don;'t know if it helps with depression at all because I also take Effexor, but it definitely helps me sleep!. I have not gained any weight in the few months I've been on it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have a couple of co-workers on seroquel, but I haven't noticed any weight problems!. They do have problems staying awake if they take it before work, and really aren't themselves!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its a mood stablizer and sedative!. Those class of drugs make you sleepy!. Sleeping pills are sedatives along w/ alcohol!. I was once taking 50 mg in the morning and 100 mg at bedtime when I was 14 thru 16!. (I was also taking it with 150 mg of Effexor XR once a day)!. It did make me gain weight (food had a wonderful taste and regret now how big I've gottn during that time) and slepted everytime I took it!. It's like my body would never get immune to fight the sleepiness!. Everytime I've slepted like a baby!. As far as weight goes!.!.!.just try to fight the urge!.

At the moment you are unwell, if you had a head ache you would take a pain killer! Seroquel 25mg is a very low dose, it also works on slowing down your metabolism, which could increase weight gain but brings a calmer feeling, so as to help you cope at present!. There is a sedative affect with this drug and if taken at night should help you to sleep, as the right amount of sleep and excercise along with a healthy diet will help your condition!. If you are very anxious about taking to medication you need to talk it over with your Doctor who will make it clearer to you or may change to another form of relief!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

You are not depressed because of weight gain!. Depression is chemical and in our brain!.!.!.and is the result of many things!.!.!.not just weight gain!.
Anyway!. I have depression, and I take Seroquel at night to help me sleep (200 mg)!. It really knocks me out!. However, if you're on 25 mg/day, you probably won't get like that!. If you do get tired (which is a possibility) you should talk to your doctor about taking it at night!.
It's been a really great mood stabilizer for me!.
I didn't gain any weight at all!. Weight gain should not be a major problem!.
An anti-psychotic!? I know!.!.!.but it has nothing to do with being psychotic!. Lots of drugs we take are meant to be used for something else!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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