I feel like killing myself...plz help?!

Question: I feel like killing myself!.!.!.plz help!?
feel disgusting!. I hate myself

My parents are always giving me **** and i hate my body, my face my everything!. The only reason why i havent already killed myself is because i cant find a gun!.!.!.oh and also beause i have 3 friends i love too much!.

I weigh 75kg and im 165cm tall!. This is me

thats me^^^

plz guys, im not seeking attention!.!.!.

i just need help!.!.!.i dont want to hurt anyone

what should i do!?

there are so many guys that i like especially one, but i cant bring myself to talk to them, because im wandering wat their thihnking
im fat, so i dont want them to think a fat girl likes themWww@Answer-Health@Com

killing yourself doesn't solve anything!. after suicide it will only get worse for you and your family and friends!. if u believe in god these are some passeges for u to read!.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is you, whom you have received from God!? You are not your own; [20] you were bought at a price!. Therefore honor God with your body!.

(1 Corinthians 3:16-17 NIV) [16] Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you!? [17] If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son!. whom ever believeth in him shall not parish but have everlasting lifeWww@Answer-Health@Com

Everyone's parents give them **** at some point!.
There comes a point that you have to live FOR YOURSELF!.

don't care what other people think!.
Here's a little secret: other people's opinions of you don't really matter!.

the only opinion that matter's is your own!.
So stop letting other people make you see yourself in a bad light!.

Do this:
Start listing all the GOOD things about yourself!.
Are you a good artist!? a good listener!?
find something positive about yourself and dwell on that!.

The more you tear yourself apart, the more it will hurt!.

Live for YOU and what makes YOU Happy and what makes YOU feel good, and don't let anyone else tell you that you are ugly or fat or unworthy!.


You like Pearl Jam!?!? Ever SEE the video for "Jeremy" a song about a disillusioned teen who kills himself in front of his class!?!?!? The video starts with various scenes of flashes of typed words and one is "64 degrees and cloudy" the scene sums up the song!.!.one day it is 64 and cloudy someone kills themselves, but guess what tomorrow it will be 64 degrees and cloudy!.!.your looking at a permanent solution to temporary problem!.!.!.in the history of medicine there hasn't been ONE CASE of someone committing suicide and then coming back to say "it was the right choice"!.!.!.life is about change and the great thing is as humans we can change ourselves our minds or bodies our spirit!.!.nothing in the life is worth losing it over!.!.!.fight back!.!.and learn to love yourself!.!.be positive and you can overcome this!.!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Please let me tell you something DON'T KILL YOURSELF it is not worth it life is way too valuable trust me at one time I felt like killing myself and so I found a way around my stresses and I came very very close to killing myself!. Trust me think about how great life will be when you get older and you are there for someone!. Don't let minor things like this overcome you!. PLEASE DON'T KILL YOURSELF

feeling the paings of having a guy (possibly) reject you is SOOOO much more pleasant than feeling the pains of human death!.

give yourself a chance to get through adolesence!. it always feels like you can't go on, but things change in time, thats one guarantee no matter how much it feels like they wont!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sorry if its a cliche but you do need professional help - you have a whole world of hang ups and you cant solve them yourself!. If you had someone who could understand and help you through it, you will feel a whole lot better!. Suicide isnot the answer - perhaps you dont want to die - you just dont want the life you are living just now and that can be changed!. Good luck!

Feelings are complicated- It can be really hard sometimes!. If you don't want to discuss this with your friends, then ring Lifeline 13 11 44- they have trained counselors who can help you- and can point you in the right direction for help!. They are set up to help you and others like you!. Their website is www!.lifeline!.org!.au!. If you have a GP who you trust, then please- give them a go- they deal with similar issues and can help too!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

try counseling or therapy!. killing yourself is never the answer!.

start living for yourself and not for others!. you need to start eating healthy and get your life back on track!. find out what makes you angry and eliminate that source from your life!. talk to your parents about such issues if they make you feel terrible!.

spend time with your friends, they seem to be a positive influence!.

but you need some counseling to get advice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

all girls think they are fat!. except transexuals and tomboys and retards!. all the really hot girls i know reckon they r fat, if that helps :)
wait till your 30!. if you've still had no life then, then talk to someone close about it!. suicide just makes everyone who even faintly knows you feel like ****, and can drag them into your suicidal behaviour!. suicide doesn't help!. what happens after your dead!.!.!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Doing suicide wont solve your problems, and you'll not find satisfaction in it!. Try talking to someone who can help you in a positive way!. Life is precious, appreciate every blessing you have and love the people around you!. Make them be a reason to live!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Dont kill yourself!. It is selfish and stupid!. You stated that you have friend which you love!. So why would you put them through losing you!? Life is hard!. I know!. My life sucks too!. No one understands you!. I get it!. But suicide is pointless and only hurts the people around you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't do this!. Start excercising and eat more healthy food and get rid of all the disgusting unhealthy food!. :)
Talk to a councellor maybe and they might help you out!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your link didnt work!.

You can e-mail me if you want, im willing to listen if you want!.

Please e-mail me, i would love to talk to youWww@Answer-Health@Com


When you feel like this ring a kids helpline!.!.!. the numbers are online!.

and btw your link shows as 'a bad link'

good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You are beautiful, and worth it!. Stop thinking these things about yourself! I would slap your hand if I was there! Don't listen to anyone else, live for yourself!. Good things are coming your way!. Trust me on this one!. I know what it feels like to feel that kind of frustration with yourself!. Blaming yourself for blaming yourself, and its a domino effect!. Pick yourself up!. If these guys think this they are the ones that aren't worth it! YOU WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIND HAPPINESS!. I PROMISE you!. There are always things in our lives that bring us down!. Inhale, the clarity is close!. The peace will find you!. Please, keep going!. FORCE yourself to think good thoughts!. Also, your friends, they are there for you!. Keep yourself occupied always, things will find their place!.
God Bless You!.

p!.s if you need to talk, e-mail me!. It may be a little bit before I can answer, as I am about to go to bed!. But I am a hell of a listener, or in this case, reader, and I will motivate you to find happiness!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

the more you tell yourself that you fat and disgusting the more you will believe it, and if it bothers you that much then diet and exercise if you concentrate on correcting what you think is bad then it will take your mind off the other stuff, suicide is not an option it's a tragedy and you ned help go to your doctor and tell him what you have told us i guarantee they will help you, everyone goes through bad times that's just life and in this day and age we have so much help around us all you have to do is ask, the friends you mentioned could help you even talking about your problems can help!.
i wish you all the best!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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