Why am i so sad all the time?!

Question: Why am i so sad all the time!?
i dont know why im so sad all the time
is it becuase i dont have any friends!?
is it because my parents are making me
go to a school i dont want to go to!?
is it because i feel alone all the time!?
i feel so lonley and sad is this just a phase
or am i sad for real reasons!?
im 14 Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your feelings are completly normal, you can't do anything physical to help yourself!. All you can do is think positive and think about what great things you have and also about the lesser things you have and think "does anyone care!? will this problem matter in a years time or anyone remember it!?"
You don't mean nothing!. Everyone means something to someone!.
There are questions you may ask yourself like can one life really make a difference or if the choices we make matter!.!.!. They do matter, one man can change many lives, for better or worse!.
Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone and do not be troubled for the future for it is yet to come!. Live in the present and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering!. Because sometimes we have to step outside the person you've been, and remember the person you are meant to be!. The person you wanted to be!. The person you are!.
i have a quote that i love to keep in mind always, "Be not afraid of life, believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact!."Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm 14 and i've been through it twice in my life!.
I cried whenever my parents weren't there or when i was alone or the house was quiet, even in my sleep! and usually there doesn't have to be a reason but its better to find the cause!.

Don't worry, it happens to me!. It's called depression according to the info you've given me!.

My depression never had anything to do with my friends but do you not have any friends!? Because that could be a reason!. You need people there for your and understanding to whenever your family isn't there for you!.

School could be the cause but you need to keep yourself busy!.And usually falling in love compltely removes the crying but it doesn't happen for everyone because its too awful to handle especially with the problems in your hands right now!.


Its mainly because you don't like your life right now, like many teens!. Also, your at the height of puberty and those hormones can really mess with you!. Try learning to recognize when it is the hormones!. I always helped me a great deal to just be able to say "Calm down, its just puberty" Www@Answer-Health@Com

oh my gosh!. were going through the same thing! im also 14!. but im pretty much passed the whole thing about being sad for those reasons!. all you really have to do is not care what people think!. and just be nice to people you talk to!. trust me!. i dont have friends!. i just talk to people!. but hey if you ever need someone to talk to just email me!. kkayy!.!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

just enjoy your school time even if you hate class make friends!.you know me too hates the class!.but due to my friends both girls and boys made me feel that there is someone who cares and loves me!.go with them for a film!. make your friends happy with you

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you're sad because you don't like your life!. a lot of people your age feel like you!. it will change one day, you just have to wait!. a good thing will happen to you when you dont expect itWww@Answer-Health@Com

i know how you feel thats how i feel to tough i do have friends but they prety much ignor me weir so alikeWww@Answer-Health@Com

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