Do Most OCD Sufferers Also Have Schizophrenia?!

Question: Do Most OCD Sufferers Also Have Schizophrenia!?
I picked up a phamplet on anxiety disorders, and under the OCD section it explained how many OCD patients also have schizophrenia!. I don't recall the exact wording but it insinuated that if you have OCD, you are likely to have schizophrenia!.

I have mild OCD!. I never got help for it because I don't want a "mentally ill" label stamped on my forward!. I don't want people to insinuate that because I have OCD, I am also schizophrenic!.

Why did they make the statement on the phamplet!? OCD is a non-psychotic disorder!. People don't see visions and hear voices, like schizophrenia!.

For example, one of the things I do is when I put on chapstick sometimes I have this compulsion to keep putting it on at least 5 times, so it has enough stuff!. I just can't put one layer on!. I just do minor stuff like that one in a while!. I don't hear voices or see visions that are not there!. I am not delusional!. I hate how they always put sterotypes in pamphlets, similar how they say that many people with anxiety are alcholics!. I got an MIP so the probation officer labled me as an alcoholic because I drank under age!. When she heard that I had an anxiety disorder, she said "yes many people that are alcholics have anxiety!."

I just don't like stereotypes!. I don't like OCD being compared to schizophrenia!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

NO! Schizophrenia is not a single disorder but a spectrum of disorders!.They are described in DSM-IV TR and a summary can be found in a Yahoo Web Search!. Wikipedia has a good one!. Schizophrenia is probably the most misunderstood and misinterpreted of all mental disorders; it can only be diagnosed by a qualified psychiatrist!.

Good luck in your research, good mental healtj, peace and Love!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think the pamphlet might have said that people with schizophrenia are likely to have OCD!. Rather than it saying that people with OCD have a high rate of schizophrenia!.

This is because roughly !.5%-1% of people in each country have schizophrenia!.

Also- in reality only 2% of people in every country actually have OCD- many people self diagnose themselves with it, because they have habits that aren't frequent in other peoples lives!.

Hope this helped!Www@Answer-Health@Com

No not at all!. I think perhaps the other way around - a high percentage of schizophrenics also have OCD!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think it would be the other way around!. That some schizophrenics have OCD!. Some I know do anyway!. Honestly we all have OCD to some point!. I have to shuffle my playlists 3 times, I have no clue why, but always have to!.

I know 2 different people, both with really bad schizophrenia!. I would class one as a definate OCD!. Even down to the small things like an irrational fear they will wake up gay!. Aside from her fear of everything!.

But yes, that isn't a fair comparison!. OCD is nowhere near as severe as schizophrenia!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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