Have bipolar feeling very anxious worked up and suisidal atm!

Question: Have bipolar feeling very anxious worked up and suisidal atm
I need to do something casue i cant take this,what can i do right now!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Go to your doctor immediately and tell them this!. They will help you! !. Yahoo answers cant help with the extreme way you feel, but professional counselling and valium will!. Then go from there, but i am concerned about your, "i cant take this" comment!. DONT DO IT! Www@Answer-Health@Com

First of all !.!.!. just chill baby baby chill!

Reality is; if you are truely suffering from bipolar disorder you probablly woulnt really be aware of it!. A main rule in mental illness (mainly bipolar and schizophrenia) is that in most cases the behaviour generally isn't apparent to the patient!.

So the fact that you 'feel' like you have bipolar possibly means your feeling scared, unsure, worried, restless and all sorts of other distressing feelings!. And considering you are aware of them, you will be just fine!!

Go and put the telly on and snuggle up on the lounge with your blanket and tell yourself you will worry about these problems tomorrow!. Tomorrow will come and you can go and speak with a Dr or family friends and seek help!.

Its ok to feel weird, feeling weird is what makes us human!. Tomorrow will be here soon and you can work towards feeling better!.

Stay strong!

EDIT: Just read your addition to question: Im sorry you are actually batteling with this illness, so many people just throw the word around willy nilly!. Hopefully by now you are resting happily and can make a appointment to see your Dr tomorrow!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know it is hard!. My wife is Bi-Polar and it took a long time to get under control but we hung in there together and now she is very happy and glad she made it through all the hard times!.

Here is my personal story:
I tried to kill myself at 16!. I failed (obviously) but I have done so much since then!. I have two children and a new grandchild (girl) none of them would be alive if I succeeded!. I have been to 24 foreign countries and seen so many beautiful places and met so many great people!. When you start enjoying life regardless of all its up and downs you do decide when to die!. The very last minute possible!.!.!.!. Yes there are sorrowful times, sad times and depressing times but I can tell you first hand everything changes and before you know it life is lived and you wish you had it back!. You could not tell me that (or anything for that matter) 36 years ago and I am sure you are having trouble believing me now!. But I got my philosophy of life from a tomb stone!. It said "Where you are now I once was!. Where I am now you will someday be!." and I say that to you now!. I was where you are and felt hopeless but now I know it wasn't and you shall someday be where I am now!. So believe the same for yourself because you are worth more to the future of this world than you can imagine!. What if you find the cure for AIDS or cancer when you grow up!? What if you save someone

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