Please answer, it means a lot to me.!

Question: Please answer, it means a lot to me!.
Hi!. I am a twelve year old girl and I am, quite frankly, confused about my psychology!. I am 100% sure I used to have depression (untreated) but now I'm not sure!. On average for the past year months I've had extreme symptoms of self-hatred and feelings of worthlessness and unexplained guilt, and I've even made a plan to kill myself once!. Nothing elaborate; I just went into the bathroom and decided that I would poison myself with something random, but I lost my nerve!. My physical symptoms were ridiculously painful stomach aches and changes in appetite and sleeping habits!. Sometimes I felt like I couldn't stop my insane hunger no matter how much food I eat (as in like more food than my dad can eat) and sometimes I go all day without having more than one meal!. I used to sleep strictly 10 hours a night, but I began to feel like I was getting less: about 8 hours a night, and was unable to sleep more than nine hours a night!. Now, I wouldn't dream of suicide; suicide is incredibly selfish, causing immense pain to so many family and friends!. Not fair!. And lately I've only been feeling the physical symptoms along with the occasional mood of minimal self-hatred/worthlessness/guilt!. Is that because it's summer!? I feel unusually good or me and it's making me uneasy, like some overwhelming balloon of horrible-ness is building up inside me without my knowing, just waiting to burst in an explosion of tears!. It's making me anxious and causing me to obsess over my mental health!. Help me! I need opinions! Please!


It sounds like bi-polar disorder, or manic-depression!. This results in a sort of roller-coaster of emotions where you go from being incredibly depressed, to a manic state of feeling wonderful, but eventually leads back to depression!. The only way to maintain a balance between the two and live a normal life is through medication!.

I would definitely talk to a psychiatrist, who can run some tests and give you a more accurate diagnosis!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you need someone to talk to:

if you have a myspace add me, my myspace url is myspace!.com/ayoub_pimpin

if you just have yahoo, my email is ayoub_mekkaoui@yahoo!.com and my messenger is the same

planning on talking to you soon =)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Go sand see your doctor and take a print out of your questionWww@Answer-Health@Com

You sound like you can analyze yourself well, which already shows your a step ahead of yourself when it comes to having a mental disorder!. I don't have the ability to diagnose you but I suggest finding a professional to talk to!. Maybe your school guidance counselor!? Here's a link with some information of mental health disorders:


Wow, well at least you aren't thinking suicide, that is a VERY good thing!. You are only 12, you have much more of your life to live!. Everybody gets depression issues at that age, I did!. Competition with other students, trying to be better, or feeling like you are lower than others!. Everyone get's that feeling sometimes!. Start joining in outside activities, and meet people!. Friends help a whole lot, having someone to talk to!. Get a puppy, my pets help me out of depression alot!. There is a whole world out there that is waiting to accept you and be nice to you for who you are!. Just be a nice respective person yourself, and things will return the favor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi there, in my opinion (and its only my opinion so you dont have to agree with me) It doesn't sound like you have depression - I went through a similar stage when I was 12-13 and I think that sadly it comes with being a teenager - do you have a good friend you can sit down and talk about this with!? I'm so happy that you came to the same conculsion about suicide that I did! That was 10 years ago for me now and I have my own buisness and so many wonderful things in my life its hard to beleive the thought ever crossed my mind! And you mention that feeling of things building up - If you feel like crying, do it - we are meant to cry as a form of stress relief!. You ever notice you start to feel all worked up over nothing and then you let yourself go and have a bit of a cry and then you feel so much better! Hey, if you are seriously concerned about your mental health talk to your parents about seeing a counselor - they arent as stupid as TV makes them out to be :) Best of Luck! (and have a wonderful life!)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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