Pristiq and Concentration!

Question: Pristiq and Concentration
Can Pristiq be used to treat non-depression issues, such as lack of concentration!? Or is it mainly just for depression!? I searched online and only found one or two places where they say it helps to treat that, but otherwise, the majority of places say that it is for depression and anxiety!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

pristiq is brand new on the market for treatment of depression!.!.the chemical compound isnt so new!. Wyeth (the drug company) has taken the active metabolite from their well-known venlafaxine (effexor-XR) and bottled-it up into "pristiq"!.!.

I work in this business, FDA approved it for treatment of depression!.!.!.reasonable your depression could affect your ability to concentrate!. ANY anti-depressant could help your ability to pay attention!. I would encourage you to read up on pristiq, Im sure they have a webpage and read the expected effects and possible side effects before you chose to ask your provider for a Rx!. Look into venlafaxine as well--since this is where they got the chemical compound from!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Not sure about Pristiq, but I was in a car accident a few years ago and suffered a brain injury!. I got better, but my concentration was terrible! The doc put me on Provigil and it was amazing! It worked fast too! Check into that!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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