Anyone else have nail friends?!

Question: Anyone else have nail friends!?
I have the solution for people who are really shy of meeting new people
I clip my toe and finger nails!.
I keep my finger and toenail clippings!?
I like to keep and file my nail clippings!?
I have done this for two years and when I clip them and a nail gets away I feel devastated!. I will look for it for several minutes and I feel like I've lost a friend when I dONT FIND it!. When I'm done clipping I put them in a a Ziploc bag and name my nail with with a Sharpie marker!. I then put them in a shoebox!. I don't have to worry about going out to a club because I have my nail friends right there with me !.
A house keeper found the box that has my fingernail clippings in it, she brought it to my attention that this was not what normal people do!. I'm just glad she didn't find the toenail box or she might think I'm weird!.

!. I feel proud to have made such good friends of my nails, I want to keep them!.I enjoy counting my secret nail friends!.

I have names for each of my nails friends!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think it's a bit harsh keeping your "friends" in a box :P

And the answer to your question is no, i don't have nail friends hahaWww@Answer-Health@Com

I do like this website!.!.!.!. sorta !.!.!.!. passes the time!. But them i stumble upon things like this and it makes me think that crazzzzzy people are on here asking about stupid *** stuff they should have figured out as they were exiting the womb!. Is this all just a waste of time, am i in some insane universe where people are actually this dumb!?

This should be my new phrase about !.!.!. !.people!.

"I look dumb, because you are truely retarded"!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

no i dont have nail friends, you may need to talk to somebody to get help with this!. i use to have a friend who actually kept their scabs in a baggy in the 4th grade thoughWww@Answer-Health@Com

honey, i think you have a serious mental issue!. You need to seek help like really soon!. Unless this is a joke, nail clippings cannot be friends i am sorry to say!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

no, I keep my real friends in plastic bags under my bed!. Until they begin to smell weird, then it's to the crawlspace with them!.

we should hang out sometime!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ummm, i think that is really weird!.!.!. do you have any friends at all!?!!?!!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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