How can I learn to let go and be happy?!

Question: How can I learn to let go and be happy!?
Things are going great in my life!. I'm moving out on my own, I've just started dating a girl who I really like, things seem like they are coming together!. But I can't seem to be happy!. I tell myself that I am happy but I don't really feel it!. I do have history of depression and anxiety but meds aren't really effective!. I was thinking of exploring meditation or exercising more!. I'm most worried about my relationship because she is all the things I could want but I can't seem to really let go and be happy!. Can I get some suggestions!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It sounds like you could do with some counseling!. Do you have health insurance that would pay for it!? If so, the right counselor/therapist could work wonders!.
Until I started counseling, I was like you--just couldn't be happy!. Friends tried to help me, but since they didn't know what to do for me, their efforts failed!. After I'd been in counseling for a while, I was able to begin seeing a difference in myself!. I'm still in counseling, because although I've come a long way, I still have a long way to go!.
God bless you, and if you need to talk, email me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


Yes, there is help for you!. I get excited when someone asks for others input into their lives!.!.There is a personalized book that will change your life in every area of life!. Your concept of who you are and your own self importance is SO important!. Learn that you deserve to be happy and have good relationships!. If you will get this book (I have mine) you will learn how to let go and believe in yourself and accept others as they are!. You can change your own precepts but only your own!. This book is not like anything you have seen before!. You can gain strength and confidence once you decide who you are and what you are worth in this world!. You have gifts and talents that only you have and you can learn how to extend those gifts in others in your life!. There is help ! Believe me I know from personal experience ! Get yourself this book if you can and see your name throughout the whole book, full of powerful affirmations about YOU !
Great confidence booster which will change every part of your life!.
Learn to be a giver in your life!. There are many ways to do that!.
Be blessed in your search for confidence and peace!. Keep pursuing help and you will find it ! You could get your own book at the site listed in the source line!.!. You will be ever so thankful you learned how to be the best you ever!. I promise ! It will last you a lifetime with good and positive thoughts about yourself ! Please check it out ! It's a small investment for the results you will see !Www@Answer-Health@Com

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