Anyone take Paxil for panic and Meds for ADD?!

Question: Anyone take Paxil for panic and Meds for ADD!?
I have been on Paxil CR for 4 yrs due to panic and anxiety!. It isn't severe now b/c I am on medication, but it was debilitating before I got diagnosed and started Paxil!. I do have xanax, but I have only taken maybe 5 pills in 4 years!. Oh, and that was only a quarter of a pill at a time!. I am very paranoid about taking anything!
Here is my problem- I have ADD very badly, and I am starting both work and school this month!. (I have been home with my children for 7 years, except for a few meaningless jobs that didnt last long!.) Anyway, I know that I need medication such as Vivanse,Strattera,Aderall,or Ritalin, but it clearly states on the drug fact sheets for each of these meds, not to use if one has anxiety!. What should I do!? I am terrified to even try these medications, but my add really feels like it is ruining my ability to excell in life!. Has anyone here take one of the meds for add along with Paxil for anxiety, and had a positive experience!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

When I was in middle school, I took Adderall and Paxil (except the Paxil was for depression)!. See a psychiatrist and they will help you determine what mix of medications work best for you!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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