How can I be less conceited?!

Question: How can I be less conceited!?
i don't know if i am conceited or just confident and i don't know how to tell the difference!. people,when they first meet me,think i am snobby!. but i am nice when you get to know me!. let's see, im 17 almost 18, people are always telling me i am "pretty, beautiful,that i should model,etc" im 5'10", slender,have over a 4!.0 gpa (YEs it is possible), am really good at basketball,parents get me pretty much anything i want,had the perfect childhood but highschool kinda sucks because i work so hard at my grades,live near the beach,etc!. i feel conceited!. can u people criticize me or something so i can reduce my ego!? i just feel conceited alot of the time and i want to change but i don't know how!. guys are so scared of me!. they just stare alot but never approach me!. even guys who know i am nice and stuff!. guys at school stammer and get nervous when i talk to them!. i don't know what to do!. basically,i feel like a spoiled brat and want to change!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Be more humble!
Feel greatful of all your blessings
Hopeful this isnt so, but it seems your parents have spoiled you a bit!.
and hopefully you'll grow out of it!.

Ironically your conceitedness derives from your low self esteem!. I suspect something happened in your childhood that made you a life changing effect!. Were you molested or abused!? These kinds of trauma can destroy a person's self esteem and self worth!. I think you are compensating this by being conceited!. I'd suggest you join a group that have similar problems and talk things out!. It does wonders when you get your guilt and anger out in the open and share experiences with other people!.

The best thing to do is to be thankful that your are blessed in several ways and acknowledge that you are pretty, intelligent, and presently in a good situation!.

There is nothing wrong with being pleased with yourself!.

Being proud!?

That is a different matter!.

Pride presupposes comparing ourselves to others!. There is no need for that!. Leave that for others to do!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your wordy details contribute to your conceit!.

Keep your eyes and ears open and every morning, drink a large cup of keepyourmouthshut!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


Perhaps you, as we all have, have some insecurities such that your focus is on yourself!. Make a practice of focusing positively on someone else as not everyone is as fortunate as you in the looks department which is so important at your age!. Try to do it for a short interval daily at first and not in an obvious or patronizing way!. Anything you do for 21 days becomes a habit! Everyone has some talent, ability, etc!. If you have a friend or acquaintance who has only one special talent or ability or look--set them up to shine and tone down your own light!. It will not diminish you, it will enhance your character that is inside you, and it will give another some much needed ego strength and for yourself as well! Good luck and God bless!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

What is your demeanor!? Do you look down on people!? ( I know you are tall, that's not what I mean!) Are you condescending!? Do you think that you are a better person than other kids because of what you do!? People would not call you snobby unless you look at them or talk to them a certain way!. It is okay to have an ego and to appreciate your life!. But do not feel sorry for others who don't have what you have!. I'm not saying that you do, but notice your thoughts before you say something!. And when someone gives you a compliment, just say "thank you" and mean it!.

Your question is a good start to change your attitude about yourself and others!. But it won't happen overnight!. And I don't know exactly what mistakes you are making!. Love and respect yourself, yes!. But love and respect and be sensitive to others equally!.

Good Luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Guys never want to be rejected and they figure their chances are greater of being rejected by a beautiful gal who probably has all the guy attention she wants!. This will not stop a confident guy!.
If you want to reduce what you perceive as your conceitedness, then try helping the less fortunate!. It will make you more appreciative and less self-centered, especially if you sacrificially give of yourself and not just do it as a token exercise!. It might be hard to fit this into your busy schedule, so find a convenient way to do it!. Maybe try a battered women's shelter!. Hopefully it will not make you hate men!. :-)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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