How do they test for ADHD?!

Question: How do they test for ADHD!?
The test for ADHD is called the WAIS-R test!. No idea what that acronym means, but they give you a series of 10 tests -- 5 dealing with cognitive/verbal ability, 5 dealing with motor skills!. They score each test and then plot them on a graph!. They're not concerned about how high or how low you scored; what they're looking for is "scatter!." If your graph doesn't go up and down much, you're negative for ADHD, but if your graph has a bunch of spikes and valleys, you've got it!. And yes, it's possible to have ADHD for many years and not realize that you have it, just like it's possible to have a child with ADHD and not realize it!. Also, you don't necessarily have to have a learning disability to have ADHD -- many people who score over 130 on IQ tests have it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

when i was a lil teeny bopper i was a very aggressive kid i was forced to take a ADHD test comes out i didn't have ADD/ADHD i was just a aggressive kid with alot of energy you can get them done if you go to a physiologist / specialist and get some info on how hope this helpsWww@Answer-Health@Com

I am not sure!. But many people diagnosed as having ADD and ADHD are actually Indigo Children!. Check out this link to look at the characteristics of being Indigo: http://www!.indigocrystalcoach!.com/areyou!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

the way the person acts!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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