No more "self harming" myself.....?!

Question: No more "self harming" myself!.!.!.!.!.!?
In 7th grade I started to cut!. Then I stopped that cuz I got into eraser burns my freshman year!. I realized that there was no reason why I should be doing that and quit all "self harm" in November last year (about half way through the school year)!. But so anyways!.!.!.!.!. I've made it through half a school year not doing any thing, but I'm afraid I'll start again, the thing that mostly keeps me from doing it and because I play water sports, so everyone can pretty much see it and say things about me!. So!.!.!. how do I deal with it!? Don't say the usual!.!.!.!.!. punch a pillow, talk to someone, blah blah blah!. I don't deal with stress well and I need to think of something to help me cope with it!. Do you have any ideas!? Please help me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i had the same problem for since 7th grade!. im not a senior and i haven cut since april of my freshman yeah!. i got a job where i had to wear shorts so i had to stop!. i get the urge a lot especially lately dealing with colleges!. i havent told anyone but my boyfriend has asked me about the scars on my ankle(where i used to cut)!. i havent told him yet, not ready to tell people but what keeps me from doing it is just that i want to be able to tell him, and someday in the future maybe, that i stopped fresh year and never did it again, it seems such a waste to have quit if i got back to it!. as for the stress, if you find out tell me!. what i do is i open a word file or a myspace bulletin, type out whats going on and how i feel but never post it!. i save it on my computer and then read it when i calm!. it helps so much, especially the myspace one, its like my brain thinks i posted it, so i kinda talked about it, but i never do so i dont have to deal with all the questions from people!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

each night, or every other, pretty oftenly is what i am trying to say
type a page of what you are feeling and the thoughts running through your head
when you are done just exit and don't save it
also try to get through things one second at a time
i can go one more second, one more, i can do another second, only one more, one more, i can do one more
just keep doing that until you dont have the same feelings
try to lay off the caffeine, and you should try telling your parents or find someone you can vent toWww@Answer-Health@Com

I myself am a former "cutter" and I feel your pain!. I give you credit for wanting to stop!. There are a ton of things to do, you just have to find something that stimulates you and keeps your mind off cutting!. I once read that music if a great stimulator for the body and it is very pleasing to the soul!. It may be hard to put the music on in the first place, but then you can calm yourself down by breathing and just thinking about your dreams!. Give that a shot, and I'll keep you in my prayers!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you can figure out what triggers this emotion, what happens in your life that gives you the urge to do this, then maybe you can work out a way to avoid such situations!.!.!.!. honestly, I don't want to push you into any direction you may be uncomfortable with, but the best thing to do is to see a therapist, or counseler to help you figure out these triggers, & how to live around them!.!.!.!. Best of luck to you, & take care!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i have a friend who is a cutter!. she wonders if other cutters just do surface cuts or deeper!. i don't know about eraser burns!. but what i do know is she has me as a support system!. even though i'm here for her, she still cuts!. she said it's just some type of self need!. she is looking for some other type of way to fulfill this need!. but she can't seem to find one!. good luck to youWww@Answer-Health@Com

well my daughter was a cutter and she started talking to people when she got mad or felt sad sometimes screaming into a pillow helps or you could try buying a bunch of ugly dollar store Nick nacs and break them when you fell the need to release stress it helps i know i don it all the timeWww@Answer-Health@Com

Congradulations, on what you've done so far!.

If you feel those fimiliar moods again!. Try to keep your mind on something else!. Talk with some one (no about cutting yourself but to get your mind off things)!.

Find something you're proud of and keep a strong self-esteem!. Hope this helps somewhat!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

do yoga i have anger management and i learned dat anytime i get mad i do yoga but if im in public where i cant i think about my boyfriend or osmething funny he did and it makes me smile
and i just go on with my life
answer mine please

answer mine please

Talk to your parents, maybe ask for a therapist!. Worked for me when I was a that age!.

If you don't feel like you can do that, then work out and go on runs and stuff in your free time!. Maybe when you're happy enough you'll feel comfortable talking to your parents!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I used to cut myself!. Pretty much all I did to stop is talk to my friend and snap my wrist with a nice rubber band!. Think of an alternative thing you can do when you want to hurt yourself!. I wish you the best in this :)!. Please don't hurt yourselfWww@Answer-Health@Com

i used to self harm!.!. my therapist recommended snapping a rubber band on my arm which helped or this may sound lame, it did to me!.!. he told me to take an old long sleeved shirt or pair of jeans and draw red lines where i cut!. it didn't work but maybe it will for you!. good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

If it is really stress that is causing it than maybe it would be important to find why you are stressed!.
Although you don't want to talk to somebody, it really could help!. Try!. There is no reason you should keep yourself from getting help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

get a hobby, make bracelets, writing, find something to get your mind off of it, sounds like you are very atlethic!.!.(wish i was) go bike riding or run!.!.!.there are other ways, just choose anything else!.!.!.you are so worth more than you give yourslef credit and you deserve better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

live in the moment, don't pay any attention to the past!. remember, you shouldn't worry about what has passed or what you can not change, just deal with life as it comes

but most of all, enjoy yourself!.!.!. you have your whole life ahead of you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You have to analyze WHY you mutilate yourself!. What is it about cutting that gives you such a thrill!? Once you uncerstand the mechanics behind it, it should be easier to keep the beast at bayWww@Answer-Health@Com

Wear a kids tattoo!. The kind that's from a piece of paper or put a sticker!.Get refresh by playing with water guns while eating a snow cone to clear your mind about it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

How about find a new way to how some may say but not me except now distress!. Like video games!? I find killing other players very relaxing!. No joke It does help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

u shud learn to luv urself!.!.b at peace with u !.!.!.!.turn over to G-d if need b and even tho u sed u dont want 2 talk 2 a therapist mabe like during ur skool day (counselor )Www@Answer-Health@Com

you can start jogging that keeps your mind off it and you get exersiseWww@Answer-Health@Com

take a picture of yourself everyday to see how youve changed, then make like a collage or something!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Start excercising to deal with stress!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hey r u in water polo!? me too

well isent beeing in the pool and beatin people enought to take out stress!.!.

get into wrestling and kick the sh*t out of people!.:)Www@Answer-Health@Com

You just have to STOP harming yourself!. You need self-control to help you stop!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i pretty much stopped when i discovered masturbation was more preductiveWww@Answer-Health@Com

Write down your thoughts!. It can be very cathartic!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

put a rubber band on your wrist and snap it everytime you feel like harming yourselfWww@Answer-Health@Com

Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

get a stress ball and squeeze it everytime you get madWww@Answer-Health@Com

i was once emo lol just dont do it!. its stupidWww@Answer-Health@Com

Stop and think about how pathetic hurting yourself makes you look to others!. Doing that stuff just turns you into a punchline!. (i!.e!. How many emo kids does it take to change a light bulb!? None!. They prefer to cut themselves and cry in the dark!.) And you don't want to be a joke, do you!? You say you are afraid you'll start again!.!.!.well, you won't if you don't let yourself!. Only you can control your actions!. Stress is part of life!. You will always have to deal with it, so suck it up and don't turn to pointless and weak-minded solutions that are no solutions at all!. Maybe I sound harsh, but maybe if someone has laid it all out for you before, you wouldn't have started on such a destructive, selfish and stupid path to begin with!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I understand you very well!. I cut and was giving myself eraser burns also!. I always found ways to hide them!. I haven't did for over a month now thanks to my best friend!. It's hard to stop and so I want to congratulate you on how long you have stopped!. I know you don't want to hear someone tell you to talk to someone, I said the same thing!. I'm 15 by the way!. I found a person I knew I could trust not to tell and when I felt like I needed to do it again she would let me call her!. She would talk to me and find out why I wanted to do it and if I really needed to or if there was something else I could!. By the time we got done talking I wouldn't feel like doing it anymore!. No matter rather your a male or female you need to express yourself!. If you don't have someone to talk to you can keep a journal!. Every time you feel like you need to do it you can write about it!. If you don't want someone to read it you can burn it after you feel better!. You could also find something to replace you urge to cut with something that doesn't harm you!. I go outside and run till I can't run anymore or I do something that takes a lot of energy so I feel to tired to cut or what ever it was I was wanting to do at the time!.
I hope that this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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