What's the difference between schizophrenia and alzheimer's?!

Question: What's the difference between schizophrenia and alzheimer's!?
Is schizophrenia crazy people that hallucinate and alzheimer's just going brain dead!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Alzheimers is a disease that causes nerve cells to die and makes you lose memory and sometimes functioning skills like speech and oyu usually dont get it untill your older
but Schizophrenia is a psychological disorder that can make you see or hear things that arent real and you can get it pretty much whenever,
but like alzheimers it can impair your ability to communicate!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

alzheimers is normally in elderly people!. Parts of their brain basically do die and they begin to lose memory!. Schizophrenia is not "crazy people" it is many things!. severe paranoia is a major symptom though, always thinking that everyone is out to get you basically and yes there are sometimes hallucinations to back up the delusions that someone/everyone is out to get themWww@Answer-Health@Com

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