How can I help someone with postpartum depression?!

Question: How can I help someone with postpartum depression!?
My friend is suffering from postpartum depression, she is from a different culture so her husband isn't to sympathetic to it!. She has no family support, and the medicine she was prescribed isn't really helping!. She is alone alot, young, and has 3 other kids as well!. I talk on the phone with her and mainly just listen, I feel useless, she wants to committ suicide!. How can I help her, she already seen one counsler but she said they did not help!.
Any advice!?!?!?
Thanks!. Also I can't visit her because I live a few states away, and I am a new friend I met her online!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your listening is helping her more than you realize!. She needs someone to understand how she is feeling, and you are it!. her husband doesn't, and the other kids are too little!.
Depression medication takes time to work- about 6 weeks or more to feel the full effect!. Until that time, doctors are reluctant to change anything!. Even after, they aren't big on changing medication!.

One thing your friend could do that may help her with a doctor or counselor, is to keep track of how she is feeling on a calendar or piece of notebook paper!. She can keep it in the nightstand drawer if she doesn't want her husband to see it!. By documenting her mood she may be able to convince a counselor that:
1!. she is paying attention to her mood, and is taking an active role in her care!.
2!. there is in fact a problem if she is constantly noting that she is having bad days with no relief!. If she is able to document having some good days, that can give her hope that things are turning around!.
The documentation doesn't need to be elaborate- she can use a few words, or a rating scale of 1-5 for example!.

Tell her she can not commit suicide because she has 4 children to raise!. They love their Mom and would never be the same if she died!. Perhaps she can do some things she likes during the day!. The day I realized that I was the only one who cared if we ate at McDonalds or Wendy's was a turning point for me!. It meant I didn't have to eat one more 89 cent hamburger, but I could have my favorite chili, because the kids only cared that they got to go to a restaurant!. Does she like to go outside!? Take the kids to the park!. Does she like to shop!? Try a trip to the mall and get everyone a slushy drink!.

One thing that helps depression a lot is sunshine!. If she can take the kids to the pool on a sunny day, or let them run through the sprinkler in the backyard while she is out in the sun, that might help!.

A big problem with depression is fatigue!. I'm sure she is exhausted with 4 kids and no help from husband!. Any rest she can get will help!.

When school starts again in the fall, that will help!. I'm sure one or more of her kids must be old enough to be in school!. Can she enroll any of them in Preschool so she can have a break!? I taught Preschool for years!. We saw many exhausted mothers drop off their kids more for a break for themselves than for the child's education!. Nobody said anything about it!.!.!.we all have been there and understand!.

I hope this is helpful!. Hang in there!. You are being a good friend!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

She really needs to get back with her gynecologists and talk with them that the meds don't feel like they are helping and she is feeling suicidal!. Just because one councilor was tried don't give up!., search for another one!. Also get on line and search out other woman who have gone through this!. I'm pretty sure there is a group on line who can totally relate to her and they have gotten through it, they could give her some good advice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

This sounds more like Major Depressive Disorder than Postpartum Depression!. Encourage her to seek help at once!. Maybe her therapist isn't working out but there are others out there!. She probably needs to seek medical help as well!. If she is suicidal and you know where she lives, you can contact the Police to do a safety check on her house!. They will be able to assist her to get to a safe place if necessary!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Postpartum Depression
What is postpartum depression!?
The postpartum period is a time of extreme vulnerability to depression!. Up to eighty percent of women experience a phenomenon called the "postpartum blues!." This is a brief period during which women are tearful or extremely sensitive and may be more moody!. Sometimes sleep is a problem!. The "blues" usually resolve without treatment within 1 to 2 weeks of giving birth!.

About twelve to fifteen percent of women develop postpartum depression!. This involves more significant symptoms of depression which women begin to experience within a few days of giving birth, and may continue to experience for weeks or months following delivery!. Rapidly changing hormones seem to play a role in sensitizing women to depression!. The psychological changes involved in parenting a new infant, the physical stress of the birth, and lack of sleep may also play a role!. Rarely, depression can progress to the point where women develop confused and disorganized thinking about themselves or the baby, hallucinate, or even consider suicide!. Suicide or even infant homicide are the most catastrophic results when this disorder is not properly identified!. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, call your health care provider immediately!.

Women who are most vulnerable to postpartum depression usually have a personal or family history of depression!. Studies show that most women who experience major depression after childbirth have had prior episodes of depression even though they may not have been diagnosed or treated!. Those with prior episodes of postpartum depression will experience a recurrence following the next delivery about half of the time!. Single women, those in unsupportive relationships, and women with multiple children also may be more at risk!.

What can I do about postpartum depression!?
You have already taken one of the most important steps in treating your depression -- you have come for help!. Fortunately, depression is treatable!. Believing one's condition is "incurable" is part of the hopelessness that accompanies depression!. This way of thinking is a symptom of depression and will improve with treatment!. There are many treatment options available!.

Medication -
Many effective, well-tolerated antidepressant medications are safe for use during breast-feeding!. Antidepressant medications are an essential part of treatment for women who are moderately to severely depressed!.

Therapy -
Therapy involves talking with a trained professional (psychologist, psychiatrist, clinical nurse or social worker) on a short term (12-20 weeks) or a long-term basis and can take many forms!. Two types of therapy are particularly effective for depression!. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) targets negative thoughts and behaviors that tend to worsen depressed mood and teaches better ways of thinking and behaving!. Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) helps a person deal with changing roles and other stressors by learning how to communicate more effectively with others!.

Alternative medicine, herbal remedies and dietary supplements -
There has been rising interest in the use of herbs and dietary supplements for the treatment of depression!. St John's Wort (hypericum perforatum) has been the most common of these!. However, scientific studies of these alternative forms of treatment have so far been short-term and not well controlled!. There is no uniformity of dose or amounts and types of ingredients because the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate them!. Be sure to tell your health care provider if you are taking an herbal or dietary supplement!. Some of them may negatively interact with antidepressant medication or other medications you are taking!.

Is there anything else that I can do!?
Along with professional treatment, there are several other things that you can do to help yourself feel better!.

Support -
It is very important that you get support for yourself and communicate your needs to others!. Ask for help with the demands of caring for a newborn baby!. Consider hiring a doula, a woman specially trained to help women with newborn babies!. If you are breast-feeding, consider pumping for the nighttime feedings and have your partner do at least some of the nighttime feedings so you can sleep!. Friends and family members often want to help during the post-partum period!. Ask for help with housekeeping and preparing meals!. Many people who no longer have young children feel honored to be asked to care for the baby for short periods of time!. Let them rock or walk the baby, give a feeding, or even change a diaper!. Don't feel you have to do it all yourself!.

Exercise -
The benefits of exercise in depression are well documented!. Exercise helps treat depression by releasing the body's mood-elevating compounds, reducing the depression hormone, cortisol, in the blood, providing perspective on life, providing a feeling of accomplishment, enhancing self-esteem, and increasing levels of serotonin (a neurotransmitter found to be key in the development of depression)!. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you do something physical for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week or more!. Even exercising as little as 10 minutes a day has been found to have beneficial effects!. Walking is perhaps the most accessible form of exercise because it costs nothing and you can start it immediately!.

Stress Management -
Stress can make depression worse and a newborn adds new stresses to a woman's life!. Learning to deal more effectively with stress may reduce depression!. The first step is to identify the main sources of stress in your life and find the most effective way to cope with those (such as avoiding them or using relaxation techniques)!. Identify stressors that you are putting on yourself (trying to be "perfect", doing too much)!. Set priorities and let unnecessary tasks wait!.

Promote sleep -
Inadequate sleep can make depression worse!. Take care to keep your sleep cycle regular by going to bed and waking around the same time!. Develop relaxing bedtime rituals such as reading or a warm bath!.

Dietary changes -
Eating a well balanced diet and regularly scheduled meals is important!. Decreasing refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and chocolate may help!. Use of calcium, and B vitamins (B6) may also decrease symptoms!.

Spend time with others -
Depressed women often withdraw from others because they mistakenly feel they would not be good company!. Being with others is another way to gain perspective, which helps with the symptoms of depression!. Consider joining a support group for new mothers or even a support group for others experiencing problems with depression!.

Make time to do what you enjoy -
Depressed women sometimes temporarily lose the ability to enjoy themselves!. Avoiding enjoyable activities only makes this worse!. Continue doing pleasurable activities even if you don't feel like it!. You will soon find that you have come to enjoy yourself again, at least for short periods!.

Give yourself a break -
The initial demands on a new mother are exciting and tremendous!. Feeling better takes time!. You will feel like yourself again and better able to handle the everyday pressures as well as the demands of motherhood!. Be realistic about the demands and expectations you make on yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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