Can you have a BorderLine Personality Disorder and still function normally witho!

Question: Can you have a BorderLine Personality Disorder and still function normally without medication!?
I have a BPD and it really affects my life!.
One day I can be so up and high and the next to angry and hostile and depressed and aggressive, and switch back and forth!.

Anyway, it really does affect my life!. My job, my relationship with my husband, our sexual relationship, other outside relationships, my self esteem etc!.
I haven't really recieved any phyciatric help!.

But I don't like drugs!. I was on Celexa and wellbutrin for awhile and it killed my sex drive and made me completely emotionally numb and empty (more than before anyway)

I want to be able to function and feel more normally without drugs!.

Any one out there done that!? Anyone have any advice they can help me with!?

I would so appreciate that!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Personally, I found DBT to be a waste of time and really boring!. What helped me was in-depth relationship based therapy, so something like Interpersonal Therapy or Psychodynamic or Client-Centered Therapy or EMDR or Object Relations!. These are long-term therapies that focus on a relationship with the therapist and working on various transferance issues!. It is hard, expensive and long!. Years usually!.

DBT was like skills teaching and did not really get me to deal with my past!. It simply tried to say "Stop doing this and do this!." Crap, in my opinion!. It works if you simply want to change your behaviors without understanding why you do things!.

Medications can help with mood and impulsivity!. But they will not cure your BPD!. They can be used to help during depressed moods, but in general they are NOT the solution to BPD!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Medication is not generally very effective for people with BPD (with the possible exception of some mood stabilzers) - particularly if it is the ONLY form of treatment (in the absence of psychotherapy)!. Since BPD is a personality disorder, psychotherapy is definitely the treatment of choice!.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is the only system of psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder which has been empirically supported in the literature!. Many clients with BPD have reported great success with DBT!.

DBT generally involves two parallel types of treatment which occur concurrently!. The first involves individual DBT counseling, and the second is a skills training therapy (this piece is VITAL) conducted in a group format!.

DBT is HIGHLY recommended for clients with BPD!. If you want to read more about DBT, I suggest Marsha Linehan's materials!.

Best of luck to you,

I have BPD, and I've been off anti-psychotics about a year now, and I'm functioning maybe not ideally, but I'm alive!. DBT is recommended for this disorder, but if you're not good with commitment to things (doing them everyday, all day) and be 100%commited to change, it won't work!. I've been through different meds, and DBT twice, it can tell you how to manage symptoms, but cannot cure them!.!.!.!. in short if you want to be "normal" bad enough, all it takes is determination, everything else is just short term management technique!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i just want to say thankyou for asking this question as i have suffered with bpd and ptsd long term and no how hard a battle it has been!.!.!.im waiting for psychotherapy but my psychiatrist wont perscribe medications- i wish you all the luck from the bottom of my heart!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Absolutly read this article!

Please listen to Michelle!.!.!.she told you exactly what I would have told you!. HugsWww@Answer-Health@Com

Definitely read the stuff on DBT!. If you're really determined to get better, you don't have to live and breathe DBT every moment!. You can take helpful skills from it and learn them as you go along, adapt it for yourself!. No one way works for everyone, no matter what the professionals say, (and I AM one)!. DBT is really simply the lifeskills and emotional regulation skills that people learn growing up naturally, unless something gets in the way!. You can very much learn to be healthy!. Research is showing more and more the "self-cure" rates of Borderline Personality Disorder!. Use the DBT skills, but remember, you are an adult in charge of your own recovery, and you can learn and use these on your own terms!. You don't have to do it in a group setting, and you don't have to follow an exact path!. I have seen this firsthand!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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