Where panic attacks come from?!

Question: Where panic attacks come from!?
I have panic attacks a lot,my heart starts to beating too fast and I feel like my breath isn't enough for me,I know its a panic attack,but tell me what cause this!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's not known what causes panic attacks!. Things that may play a role include:


Certain changes in the way parts of your brain function
Some research suggests that your body's natural fight-or-flight response to danger is involved in panic attacks!. For example, if a grizzly bear came after you, your body would react instinctively!. Your heart rate and breathing would speed up as your body prepared itself for a life-threatening situation!. Many of the same reactions occur in a panic attack!. But it's not known why a panic attack occurs when there's no obvious danger present!.

***If you have any symptoms of panic attacks, seek medical help as soon as possible!. Panic attacks are hard to manage on your own, and they may get worse without treatment!. And because panic attack symptoms can also resemble other serious health problems, such as a heart attack, it's important to get evaluated by your health care provider if you aren't sure what's causing your symptoms!.

In fact, many people visit the emergency department or seek care from numerous doctors or hospitals because they believe they have a serious undiagnosed physical condition!. You can generally seek help first from your primary care provider for panic attack!. If he or she believes your symptoms are indeed related to panic attacks, you may be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist for treatment!.

If you're reluctant to seek treatment for your panic attacks, try to work up the courage to confide in someone, whether it's a friend or loved one, a health care professional, a faith leader or someone else you trust!. They can help you take the first steps to successful treatment!. ***Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have social anxiety disorder so I get panic attacks a lot!.

Panic attacks usually have a "trigger", something that causes it!. For example, for me, any social situation, especially if it involves crowds!.

Frequently though I get panic attacks out of nowhere, no trigger at all!. My therapist told me to record this--the date, what I'm doing at the time, etc!. I suggest doing the same, maybe you can find a pattern!. So far I'm not getting anywhere with the pattern thing, I hope I don't have panic disorder!.

Panic attacks suck man, sorry you've gotta deal with that crap!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Have you been checked !? Have you had an EKG !? What about blood glucose , are you hypoglycemic!? Even some people that don't have diabetes can be !.

Panic attacks come from chemicals that you body puts out!.
You stress - chemicals kick in and hype up all of your systems learn to relax do things you can lose yourself in - things that take coordination and concentration - like playing video games!.

Some of the stress might be from things you are thinking about in the back of your mind but you're not paying them enough attention!. You need to resolve your problems!.Pay attention to your dreams - decode them and you may be able to solve what is plaguing you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

oh boy do i know that feeling!. Ive been suffering from panic attacks for 8 years now and every doctor gives me a different answer!.
so ive created my own theory (based only on how i feel)!. they come when you have pent up emotions, for me it was fear!. so my guess is that, if you hold in everything makes you anxious, it eventually just explodes into a panic attack!. also it may be caused from emotion overload!.

i probably have no idea what im talking about, im no doctor, but it's all i could think of!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I was told by a dr!. (yrs!. ago, now), that my attacks were genetic!. "Free-floating" attacks that simply come out of no where!. I was prescribed Ativan for yrs!. It honestly helped me!. I'm no longer on it, the panic attacks have returned, but can't afford to see a doctor now!.
The attacks are very real, I know!. Very often, I'm afraid to even leave the house, drive a car, etc!., because of such attacks!.
There are other meds!. besides Ativan that can help to alleviate the attacks - I just can't afford to be treated!.
Good luck in dealing with this very real problem!. People who don't experience such "attacks" are so fortunate!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have anxiety disorder so I know the feeling!. Doctor's have told me that it's simply a chemical imbalance in my brain!. Are you on medication!? It really is the cure!.!.!.at least for me!. I'm on Lexapro and it works great!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

for happy life,come out from tension,fear, and angry, always be happy in your life its easy to over come from your problems,meditation and healing for happy life!.!.!.

I have panic attacks too!. My doctor put me on beta-blockers!. It helps to keep my heart regular when I am having a panic attack!. It really helps me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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