Why aren't there warnings on psychiatric psychotropics...?!

Question: Why aren't there warnings on psychiatric psychotropics!.!.!.!?
I've been diagnose as having a mood disorder since I was a teenager!. At first I was diagnosed as major depressive and I have tried pretty much all of the major SSRIs as well as a tricyclic!. I was properly re-diagnosed as type 2 bipolar a few years ago and put on lamictal and lithium as mood stabilizers!.

I have had HORRIBLE withdrawal symptoms from every SSRI and mood stabilizer I have been placed on, yet there are no warnings given either by psychiatrists or on the bottle/info insert about the possible side effects of physcial withdrawal from these medications!. I know other people who have been through the same thing!. I'm currently getting off lamictal, and it is hell on earth!.

So my question is why is this not an acknowledged issue!? Narcotics are supposed to be highly addictive and awful to get off of, but I have taken narcotics for chronic pain for months at a time, every day and not had ANY physical symptoms of withdrawal,Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm waiting for some class action suits, personally!. The withdrawals for some are brutal, and you're right, there are no warnings!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Stopping cold turkey on an SSRI is an acknowledged issue and any competent MD would taper you off slowly!. I have been taking lamictal off and on for over ten years and I have never had a problem stopping!. There were no known adverse effects from stopping it in the clinical trials so that is why it is not an acknowledged issue, because it is not an issue!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If it doesn't affect people personally, they don't care!.

The answer to your question about why isn't this a big issue is: most people are selfish jerks!.

(I love 'em anyway though!.!.!.!. XP)Www@Answer-Health@Com

So much is explained by chemical make up up different people!. No one drug works the same way in all people!. This has been my experience!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have been on Lexapro for a year and a half, and the psychiatrist told me there are "no problems getting off it"!. Last fall, I stopped taking it for a while - and I'll tell you, the withdrawals were horrible!! You have to think though - if it takes six weeks to reach it's full potency, there has to be something similar getting off them!.!.!.

Here is some information on getting off Lexapro!.!.!.

To get off Lexapro, wean yourself to the lowest dose (5mg)!. If you're on 20mg, cut them in half (to get 10mg) and take those for a couple weeks, then go to the 5mg pills!.

After you've been on the 5mg pills for a couple weeks, cut them in half and take the half-pills for a couple weeks, then take the half-pills every other day for a couple weeks, then you can stop!. This will slowly withdraw the Lexapro from your system, and help eliminate the possibility of withdrawal problems!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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