How to Handle Someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder?!

Question: How to Handle Someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder!?
I am pretty sure that someone really close to me (and one of his parents and two siblings) have this condition, except this person doesn't blow up easily (his brother does now that I think about it) he actually keeps everything pent up inside until he blows up but that's like only one of the few side affects that he doesn't have!. How do you deal with someone with this behavior!? I know that prayer changes thing so that's what I'm doing, but what type of behavior should you display towards them to kind of keep them in check!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Set boundaries with the person!. People with NPD tend to believe they're entitled to things- even things that don't belong to them!. Make sure the person knows where your limits are- like "I don't lend my car/money/extra bedroom, etc!. to anyone!. Period!." Then back yourself up!. If you give in to their sense of entitlement even once, they will think they're right!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Please don't diagnose him! If his whole family is like this, chances are they have idiot parents and the kids are reflecting their chaotic homelife!.

Like the first person said, your job isn't to teach him how to be a good person!. Your job is to set boundaries and make sure he understands them and complies with them!.

If this is a bf, I'd seriously consider ending the relationship!. You'll never change him and by the time you realize this, you'll have gone through all sorts of hell!.

Don't complicate it!. Some people are just jerks! And you probably deserve much better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You are not a person to a narcissist and therefore you will never receive empathy from them!. Your pain is invisible or, if pointed out, is of no consequence!. If you cry, "You don't understand" that is true!. Relating to, support of, caring what you experience, and understanding what you are going through, is not available in a relationship with a narcissist!. You walk alone!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Remember the Narcissistic person is all about them and how everyone around them can and will reflect there needs!. If you don't they will blow you off!. So, set boundries, be prepared to be disregarded, and look elsewhere for friends!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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