Family doesn't understand my social anxiety/agoraphobia and depression?!

Question: Family doesn't understand my social anxiety/agoraphobia and depression!?
It is very very frustrating!.!.!.!.
I have terrible panic disorder/ social anxiety disorder/ agoraphobia!. It's hard for me to be outside and I always find myself looking for a secluded place to hide from everyone, or having panic attacks in the bathroom!.
I haven't been treated by a psychologist and I know that I need to be!.!.!.!. that's beside the point!.
I also have bad depression that constantly causes physical sickness and makes me extremely lethargic!.

Anyway, I'm starting college in a month!.
I am 16 and live with my grandma!.
Her and the rest of the family think that I am just lazy and shy - I have tried to explain it a MILLION times, every bit of it, but they don't get it!.
My grandma says things like "you have no reason to be depressed! And stop caring what people think of you, you're a beautiful young lady!"
She is COMPLETELY clueless when it comes to anything mental or anything!.!.!.!.
Everyone else is the same way!.

How can I make them UNDERSTAND!?!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Are you really starting college at 16!? If so, wow!. Sounds like you could be under a lot of stress and feeling very isolated!

Please keep in mind that social anxiety and having panic attacks are nothing to be embarrassed about, and one thing your grandma has right (instinctively), even if her approach isn't working for you, is that it won't stop you from being successful in life, unless you let your negative self image control you!. It can be comforting to feel sorry for yourself, but that's a bad spiral to fall into!. It's much better once you've done some hard work to wrestle those demons and you can start to have a real social life!.

I think you should just try telling your family how you feel!.!.!. in detail!. Explain exactly to what extent your anxiety affects you!. Do some of the online tests and show them the results you get!. Print off some information from anxiety support websites for them to read!. Make them understand and tell them what kind of support you need!.

Finally, there's also free self-help on the net!. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT for short) works, if you put in the work (it seems like a lot at first, but it really isn't) to change!. You might have a lot of trouble following on your own without support from others but if you want, make a serious try, go for it at Panic Center or another site like that, and join a good social anxiety mailing list or messageboard (there are tons)!.

I've included some links below!.

Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Unfortunately it doesn't sound like they're going to believe you!. You might want to try and get someone else to explain it to them - someone whose opinion they are more likely to respect (which isn't a pleasant thought, I know, but if it works!.!.!.)!. If you can get a doc to give an assessment supporting you that would be best, but otherwise a school counselor might be able to prompt them into action!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you are starting college, go to the counselor on campus and talk to them they will find you free treatment!. And then you will be able to deal with it all, including your family!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need a proffessional to liase with your family once you begin to recieve proper help for your condition!. Maybe then they will take it more seriously!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

walk in front of a train instan cureWww@Answer-Health@Com

Lesson no!. 1!. People will always try to change you!. Let them think what they think as it is impossible to change someone else's mind!. I have been trying to change my husband's mind for the past 22 years and it does not work!.

Lesson no!. 2!. Depression is a Spirit of Oppression!. Negative thoughts and a feeling that the future is Hopeless!. It is always future based!. Try to focus on now!. Now is a PRESENT - all gift wrapped for you!. Concentrate on today!.!. what present is unfolding for you today!. Obviously something has started this off!. And if negative thoughts come to you, just acknowledge them and let them go!.!. don't think about them or dwell on them!. You may also have to do positive affirmations and write down 5 things that you can be thankful for!.!. everyday!.
I will pray for you!. That help will come to you!. And that you will have a breakthrough in your life!. God made you precious and unique!. There is not another person like you in this world!. If you can't think of any positive affirmations, start with these!.
I speak life over you and come against the spirit of destruction that is hanging over your life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Mine was always a more simple case of shyness, I found that (where possible) listening to music helped in crowded situations!. I also remind myself that the people I'm surrounded by are too preoccupied with their own lives to spend time over-analysing others!.
I realise it's not that simple for you and I don't intend to mock!.
There's lots of research you can do on the web which will both help you in the short run, and show your family that it's a serious condition and maybe they'll appreciate your situation a little better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

write down all you have now an any other details as if it were a letter and go see your doctor!.just hand him the letter!.this way you wont have to speak,he will understand!.explain about all your difficuties and family!.say you wont leave office unless he helps!.i did this when i too had problems such as you!.a letter will explain all and you will be taken seriously then !.also write a similar note to your gran!.be nice in it,explain you understand she dont get it etc,but that y you do need support!.you will get through this!.it will get bettter!.you must be grown up and go doctor and pour your heart out!.if noluck g et another dr!.if you really need to talk the samaratians are fantastic listeners!.trust me ive been in your shoes!.chin up!.get making that letter an appoint to dr!.good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

your relatives see you as the person they know, confident, smart, brilliant, etc!.!.!.they don't realize that the fears are real, and that you truly have a problem here, and that it is just something that you are going through!. This is often the case,when they haven't suffered through this themselves, and so they don't realize it is for real!.!.!.You need to talk to someone when you get to school,but being only 16, you are still a minor in the eyes of the law!. !.!.take it as a compliment, that they feel there isn't anything wrong!.!.!.you are just a person who is very bright, and very aware of your surroundings!. Tell them, that you would really like to talk to a proffessional, as you don't want anything to inhibit your success at college!.!.!.and I wish you the very best!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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