What can I do? I have never enjoyed anything unless I drank beer.?!

Question: What can I do!? I have never enjoyed anything unless I drank beer!.!?
Trouble is, now i have type 2 diabetes and related problems!. The longer I go without beer the more depressed and miserable I get!. Hell of a position!. Life sucks!. I like everybody and am a jolly, fun-loving fellow with beer!. Without, I really don't like anybody and they don't like me!. Always been that way!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That just really sucks!. You're hiding your personality behind a beer!. You aren't being you!.!.!. and it really sucks that you feel nobody like you unless you have a beer!. In reality, the type of people you currently hang out with might not like you unless you have a beer, but that doesn't mean everyone in the world doesn't like you!.

Look, drop the beer!. Its best for your physical health that you do, and if your friends don't accept that then drop them too!. They obviously aren't friends!. Go out and meet some new people!.!. not everyone in the world has to drink to have a good time!. I personally don't drink at all, and I'm happiest that way!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Have you tried an AA meeting!? You are saying what every alcoholic I've known has said almost verbatim!. If you don't like people and they don't like you, then your attitude and perception about them is probably the issue and the beer simply helps you adjust that attitude into something more positive and fun!. You can do that on your own without the beer!. You just need to put effort into it!. If you can be a person people dig when you've been drinking, then that guy is in you, and he just has to come out without the alcohol!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Beer determines your life !? this is lame its your crutch sine you have to have to survive this is not true you can live without this beer stupor and enjoy like and have fun open up naturally no need for beer to make you a happy person ck out with doctor for depression they have meds to deal with this!. Most likely going threw withdraw ls as well which is good for you soon you will hate the taste of or smell of beer and think of the money you will save and all the times you could of done something But didn't because you were drinking beerWww@Answer-Health@Com

It is sad! Unfortunately, those drinkers you hang out with really don't like themselves either!. When people drink, their perspective changes on how wonderful people are!. Much more forgiving in that particular moment- to those who drink, just like them!. They're more good-looking, more special, more honest, etc!.

Fact is, it isn't true!. It's all a fallacy! How often do you sit down and talk with your drinking buddies ("good friends") about sensitive issues!? Most likely, extremely rare!. As long as you are like them, they'll stick with you!. When you change in any way, however, they look at you like you're an alien! If you began drinking when you were an adolescent, then it's fully understandable why you've never felt any connections with other people (unless drinking)!.

Look up alcoholic support groups!. Check them out!. I've been to a few, and people there feel exactly the same!. Through that, you gain a sense of belonging!. You finally see that people do like you, as a human, and you like them!. Stay away from the alcohol!. Give the liver a break :) It does take time, but you can someday be on the opposite side of the spectrum- wondering why so many events involve drugs and alcohol!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sounds like you're an alcoholic!. i'm not trying to offend you but i'm an alcoholic- sober 12 years!. i never liked people preaching to or at me so i'm not going to do that to you!. everything sucked for me when i wasn't drinking and i was much more agreeable when i was!.
no one will be able to help you until YOU realize you have a problem and realize YOU need to stop!. life sucks and isn't fair in a lot of ways but it's danm sure easier to handle when you're sober!. i wish you all the best!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

u defiently neeed to see a doc and tell them wat u said here!. It sounds like ur at rock bottom with self worth and life ,u may be depressed!.
Alcohol is not good for anyone, especially if u have existing health issues, and as u proabably know alcohol is no friend here!!! If ppl r expecting u to drink or are forcing u to u serioulsy need to reconsider those u spend time with when u drink!.
I think u may be alcohol dependant, u need to quit with true professional help and with a counselor of some sort!.
By doing this u can and will save ur life, health and mental health!.
Its heart breaking wat u wrote :( but u can get help and have a better life, plz do so ! Don't let depression and alcohol rule ur life any more!
YoU ARE WORTH IT TO GET HELP!!!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds like you are going through withdrawal!. It will get easier, as time goes on!. Ask your doctor, he may be able to help you with the symptoms!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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