Still mourning after 17 years. Is it normal?!

Question: Still mourning after 17 years!. Is it normal!?
I lost my grandfather when I was six years old!. I didn't even know he was sick until he "went on vacation" and came back in a coffin!. My family thought I was too young to understand his sickness!. I didn't cry when I was told, I was hard as a rock!. After a few hours the pain sunk in and I broke down!. At the funeral I was carried to see him inside the coffin!. Afterwards my aunt went nuts, she would talk to herself!. My mother missed the funeral I think and she took up smoking, my uncle and other aunt left the country and nobody really payed much attention to me!. I remember saying to myself "I want to die!."
Now that I am older I still break down when I remember this, I weep so hard and suffer panic attacks!.
I have been to a doctor when young, but now I think I must be sick because his death still hurts me!.
Is it normal!?
What should I do!?Www@Answer-Health@Com


I don't think there is a such thing as normal but i think it is common that past events cause us pain many years later and can be a leading contributor to mental health issues!. What your suffering from maybe PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)!. I think you need to see a counsellor who can help you talk about the issues of that time and how it affected you because I think the little child inside of you is still hurting and you need to find some closure on this!. Perhaps go to your Gp and explain your sypmtoms, they may be able to refer you to someone or look online for counsellors in your local area!. You could also ring the samaritans, sometimes they would know of organisations that offer counselling etc!.

best of luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

I think it's definitely normal!. We never truly get over tragic events that happen in our lives, no matter how young we were when they happened!. Talk to your doctor or therapist (if you have one) and consider getting a grief counselar to help you cope!. I hope you feel better, I'm truly sorry for the pain you are going through!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you should talk to a counselor about this!. i know its tough to get over a tragedy like that!. My father died when I was 8 years old!. I was so young at the time that I didnt really understand what was going on!. But now that Im 26 I still think about it and get really upset!. It would help to talk to someone about it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think it is normal to grieve for someone but to break down in tears and have panic attacks 17 years after the fact does not sound normal!. It sounds like more is going on it your life
besides your loss!. Please seek professional help to deal with your problem!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

it is normal to mourn a lost one however after 17 years the pain should have subsided by now!. If i had to guess you are still dealing with closure issues!. visit his grave and say a prayer and reflect on the good memories you had with him!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to seek professional help!. 17 Years is a long time but regardless get the help you need!. I doubt that your grandfather would want this type of life for you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

3 years is the norm - however that is a norm!. 17 years is way too long and he would not want that!. please consult a counsellor or thrapist soon!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved Grandfather!. you need to learn to cope with the grief and pain, and now that you are older, you may have come to the understanding that we all die, but at different times!. Focus on your life and your school work and what you may want to do when you are grown up!. Say a prayer for Grandpa when you think of him, and perhaps your family may want to give a special Mass for him!. Make some friends at school, and you will surely find that they also have experienced death of a close family member, and see how they have learned to cope with the loss!. You will learn to let go of the hurt!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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