Can Magic mushrooms permanently mess me up?!

Question: Can Magic mushrooms permanently mess me up!?
So I took magic mush rooms!. And I had a bad trip!. It seems now i have delusions and what seems to be schizophrenia and paranoia!. I was wondering if I am permanently stuck with these creepy thoughts and feelings!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you inherited the schizophrenic genes, then yes, shrooms can trigger the illness!. It's also possible that your brain needs time to recover, but that shouldn't take too long!. See a psychiatrist!. One should be able to tell you what's up and may be able to help even if your problem is short-term!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

No!. Don't listen to these crazy myths about drugs!. Maybe you have always had latent paranoid and schizophrenic behaviors that are now exposed to you, and this a good thing, because you can get help!.

P!.S!. Can I ask how you had a bad trip!? Did you read up on how to have a good trip, like being in the right environment, having a good state of mind, etc!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

They can change the chemical functioning in the brain for a long time!. First of all I would seek professional help!. This would be a terrible way "to be stuck" Help is there IF you are willing to seek!. Are you using other drugs/alcohol that could be adding to the problem!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

You neglected to mention the time frame this happened in!.
I not a doctor so maybe you should visit one!.
I doubt your "screwed" for life!. I would not continue on the same path of destruction though!.
Hell, almost every person is curious and has experimented in some point in their life!. But now it's time to stop and get on with your life before something worse happens!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, they can!.!.!.!.excessive useage can trigger dormant psychosis in the brain!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes u r ,your life is ****** up forever ,now listen the drugs dont work they just make u worse u silly man uWww@Answer-Health@Com

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